Sally from England shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Experience

Sally from England who takes Low Dose Naltrexone medication (LDN) for multiple sclerosis (MS). She was first diagnosed in 2001, but thinks she had constant symptoms within about three years of that.2004. 

Sally first started off having foot drop. This affected her life and her hobby of rigid horses. Also, Sally feels that her knee operation did not help with her Multiple Sclerosis MS at all, and within five years was in a wheelchair. Sally rated her quality of life a 4/10 before the medication. She heard about the medication from the central health clinic in Glasgow. Within a week of trying Naltrexone (LDN), she says it was “absolutely brilliant”, and is the only medication that has helped her with her MS diagnosis.

Now, Sally rates her quality of life a ⅞ out of 10.

Sally would 100% recommend LDN to others, and has spoken to others with Multiple Sclerosis about it.

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