Sara from England shares his Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Sara from England takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

In 1990, my symptoms started just literally overnight. I got up one morning, and my left leg couldn't lift up the ground. And then I went to the doctors who arranged very quickly within a week to get me into Liverpool hospital for tests.

I had pain across into my shoulder every now and again, not very often.

I was diagnosed with MS and I was not offered anything. I stayed in the hospital for the week. They basically always said they couldn't offer me anything.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) definitely gave me back mobility. I'm having some really, really good days. I go to the gym. I've been taking LDN for two years.

I knew about LDN through someone that I know in the MS Society.

My GP got permission to give me a prescription, I didn't have any side effects when I started taking LDN. After a few months I realized LDN was helping me.

I definitely would recommend LDN I definitely think it's worth a try. Nobody says it's a miracle.

I think I'm just starting to really see noticeable benefits now.

We've had some people that have said similar to yourself that they haven't noticed any improvements at all until about 15, 18 months, which is quite amazing.

They hadn't progressed any further progressive disease. That's good news in itself. Some people respond quicker than others.

Summary of Sara's interview. Please listen to the video for the full story.