Sara from the United States shares her Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Sara from the United States has rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. She was 24 years old when symptoms first started, but wasn't diagnosed until a year later.

Sara quoted that it absolutely changed her life, she found the right medication, but did develop very severe irritable bowel syndrome and seemed to come out of nowhere. Sarah was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia in February 2010.

Sara first read about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) a few years ago before the Fibromyalgia, she found lots of information online, found our website and wanted a prescription for LDN after being skeptical of it. Her Rheumatologist would not prescribe Sara with LDN, because it was not FDA approved. But if Sara’s GP was willing to prescribe LDN, she saw no problem with that. And she would partner with him. After 3 days of being on the LDN medication, Sara felt absolutely fantastic. A few days after, she started seeing an increase in pain and fatigue, which then resulted with depression and anxiety. But this was due to being started on a higher Mg dosage. Sara rated her life a 3,4 out of 10 before her LDN mediation, she says that LDN is very cheap, and nothing has been more effective than LDN.
Please watch the video to the whole interview, Thank you.

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