Sarah from England shares her Autism & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

On behalf of Jasmine who takes LDN, Low Dose Naltrexone medication for Autism we are talking to her Mother, Sarah both from the UK. Jasmine has been diagnosed with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, which she's had for about three years. Jasmine first started experiencing signs of autism at the very young age of 18 months old. But only got diagnosed at ten years old.

Due to her autism, Jasmine was very lonely, couldn't make any friends and didn't really understand what was happening around her. Pain started happening when she hit puberty at 11 years old, where she was experiencing  pain in her hip which spread to her leg, elbows; and started having nodules on her fingers and rashes on her legs. Quoting that her whole body was painful. She was also experiencing fatigue problems, and even voices in her head, making her anxious and lethargic. 

After researching on the internet, Sarah came across the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) .Jasmine visited her doctor to measure her nutrition and blood, where they came to the conclusion that LDN may be useful to her.

Jasmine’s appetite was appalling, she came out of school due to not being able to cope. She could not walk or exercise very much at all. 

Jasmine’s introductory side effects included lots of night terrors, seeing things and hearing voices, but when she first started LDN these were the first things to disappear. Energy levels increased, and she could start to walk for a longer amount of time and not feel tired. Now, Jasmine is back in school and can even take part in cross country, the family life has also improved for all.

Please watch the video to view the whole interview. Thank you 

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