Should Doctors Consider Low Dose Naltrexone for Long COVID?
The People's Pharmacy
20 October 2022
There is growing recognition that long COVID is becoming a serious challenge to health systems around the world. Doctors do not know what causes this condition in which symptoms persist for months or even years. There is currently no cure. That’s why researchers are looking for potential treatments that could ease symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath and brain fog. Will it be helpful to try low dose naltrexone for long COVID?
There is now a pilot study suggesting that there might be some benefit to trying low dose naltrexone for long COVID (Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health, Oct. 2022). Please keep in mind that this is preliminary research. It is titled: “Safety and efficacy of low dose naltrexone in a long covid cohort; an interventional pre-post study”. The authors report that low dose naltrexone for long COVID helped with: “…activities of daily living, energy levels, pain levels, levels of concentration, sleep disturbance and overall recovery from COVID-19…” People also reported less chest tightness and cough. The authors acknowledge that this was not a placebo-controlled trial and call for larger, more robust studies.