First diagnosed 1991 Sue’s initial symptoms were numbness in her feet, then up to her waist. Sue went to her doctors and was referred to Harley Street where she had all tests done but for reasons unknown the specialist didn’t tell her she had MS, it wasn’t until she went to her GP that she was told she had it.
At that time the symptoms had gone temporarily so she carried on as normal. Symptoms returned years later much worse. By the time she was 48, she had to give up work and driving and move to a bungalow because she could no longer get up the stairs.
Sue was diagnosed with primary progressive Multiple Sclerosis and she wanted to try stopping the progression as much as she could. She started Low Dose Naltrexone and stopped for 3 months to try another treatment but she went downhill quickly and started LDN again.
With no side effects, she found that LDN did slow the progression of her MS and feels that her progression would have really accelerated without it.