Sue from the US shares her Fibromyalgia & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Sue from the United States was diagnosed with fibromyalgia five/six years ago. She first started symptoms years before the official diagnosis. She experienced persistent pains in her shoulders, spine and buttocks; she was insistent it was not muscle pain. Other symptoms included brain fog, and low energy.

Sue has been taking LDN for almost two years now and experienced no initial side effects. However, she did feel instant benefits from the medication, saying she felt relief by the next day. Sue’s pain has considerably lessened since starting on LDN. She still feels pains, but only when she overworks and claims it is not related to Fibromyalgia. 

Sue says that LDN is certainly worth a try when asked what she would say to those contemplating it.

For the entire interview, watch the video.

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