Is there a specific dose of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) that works best for MCAS?    

Is there a specific dose of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) that works best for MCAS?    

For MCAS, what is the final dose patients work best on? I'm currently on 0.75 and currently can't go any higher, but I still have MCAS symptoms. 

You've got a mast cell with over 200 receptors. Half maybe are activating and half are decreasing. 

One drug will never control MCAS unless somehow we do gene therapy and change that cell line. I just have to be realistic that it's going to take experimentation, it's going to take patience and time, and what I tell my patients is like a cocktail with multiple ingredients and you need to find the right balance of X, Y, and Z to make that cocktail work for you.