Is there a test that you'd recommend for somebody suffering from long Covid and is the O.A.T useful?

Is there a test that you'd recommend for somebody suffering from long Covid and is the O.A.T useful?

Is there a test that you'd recommend for somebody suffering from long Covid? 

Long Covid, in my estimation, is what the spike protein does to you, and you have ongoing symptoms. So on your history, if the person got the jabs and they became ill, and that is where the illness started and continues. I don't know that I'd waste my time getting a test. There are some good treatments we both have taken classes on recently, that might be directed towards the spike protein and detoxify what the vaccines do. And that would eradicate long Covid. Specifically would be the augmented NAC, which if you just type in augmented NAC,, or, you can learn about it. The substance is a little on the expensive side, but one bottle, I think, handles one and a half or two months. And I'm just starting to use it with my patients now. And next time, if I'm invited back again for part five, I'll report on how that works. 

Testing is great, people. Testing is wonderful. Sometimes people are testing for stuff they already know about. I don't know why they do that. But I will tell you, that if you target your testing correctly, interpret it properly, it gives you the information that you need to help your patient the best. Okay, long Covid question is a really good one. If I know somebody has long Covid, I also know some of the things that cause it. So if I have something that I can use that will target that, if you augmented NAC, which goes after the quantum signature, the quantum signaling, then it actually targets that signal. And that's why it's got a good success rate. 

Is the OAT useful specifically for long Covid? 

(The Organic Acids Test (OAT) offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of overall health).

Yeah, it is, because you're going to see the effect of long Covid in the mitochondrial function in some of the other functions, you're going to see what this has done to that person's body. Plus, if there's anything else that's contributing to it, like bacteria, clostridia, yeast, biotoxins, so forth. So it gives you general view of everything. And, yes, it can be useful. Is it diagnostic of long Covid? No. Will it give you indicators of what you can treat for complex chronic multifactorial illness? Yes.