Tim from the United States shares his Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story on the LDN Radio Show

Tim from the US takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and is going to share his journey.

"I'm 49 and I was being misdiagnosed for too long. The unusual is I had stopped smoking marijuana and then my MS came on really big, and I find that the marijuana helps me with the symptoms drastically.

I'm really lucky. Really, the only problem I have is a little bit of problem walking and  balance.

Also I get fatigued pretty quick.

One day I just read Dr. Bahari's statements and I figured that it was something worth trying.

I asked my Neurologist to prescribe me LDN. She had other MS patients that were using it.

I live in Birmingham, Alabama and I got LDN through a place in Lakewood, Colorado.

I have been taking LDN for three years. It's helped me with my overall function. It's seems to help me with my balance and just seems to make me a more workable human.

I just felt vivid dreams that they come and go, but it's one of the things that vivid dreams I consider a bonus. And since I've been taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) I've had no flare-ups.

I would like to say to people at least try it because unless vivid dreaming somehow is traumatizing, LDN seems to be doing what the Avonex should've been doing.

I'd like to encourage anyone to at least try it.

If you try and it doesn't work for you, stop doing it.  But I believe they'll be pleased".

Summary of Tim's interview. Please listen to the video for the full story.