Tim from the United States shares their Fibromyalgia & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Experience

Tim from the United States takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Fibromyalgia and is going to share his story.

"Fibromyalgia was the default diagnosis after everything else was ruled out. Some doctors say they don't know what I have. And then some say Fibromyalgia because they don't know what else to say.

I got sick in summer of 2007, and I spent about four months going to all manner of doctors from infectious disease specialists to Rheumatologists and I got diagnosed by the end of 2007.

At the time I was 50. I'm 54 now.

I work a brutal schedule. I work in live television news. I work overnight for long days, rotating shifts, and plus I take care of all my own stuff.  I'm a real do it yourself or home repairs, home maintenance.

When I got sick I was in a twilight zone of misery. I was on Tramadol, and watching the clock waiting till I can take more pain medication. I had all the functioning of a 90-year-old man. Basically, I lost all my energy, my stamina. I was in constant pain. It just felt like I had the flu for over two years.

I started endless searching on the internet and I found out about dr. Bahari.

Because Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is an off label use, I had to go on my own on the internet, through a Canadian pharmacy, do get Low Dose Naltrexone and basically tested on myself. That was the summer of 2009. I started at 1 mg, and I noticed an improvement in about two days. The pain levels dropped.  I've stayed at 2 mg of LDN ever since then. And it's been almost two years.

When I started LDN I had some vivid dreaming, which for me has always stayed.

I would say to anyone that they really need to try it if they haven't found relief because the orthodox treatments are really few and far between.  Lyrica did nothing for me. I took Lyrica for a year on faith, and it did absolutely nothing and a very expensive medication with side effects.

I took antivirals, antibiotics. I took all the home remedies, massive vitamins. I tried all these things, and none of them produced any discernible results. LDN is the only thing that really you could see cause and effect. It made a difference.

My life now is closer to normal. I'm working crazy hours again and I'm working a lot.

I was filing papers for government disability at the time before I started taking it. Pain, fatigue, insomnia were just taken over my life. It made a huge difference. And there's no real downside that I'm aware of except that it's a little funny to explain to people because it's very relatively unknown. Even doctors don't seem to know much about it.

My GP has been very interested in monitoring my progress and has been gone so far as to put it in my official record, which was a step for him.

The immunologist basically ignores me. I have not been back to see him, but I've sent him progress reports and articles".