Tom from the United States shares his Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Tom from the United States takes Low Dose Naltrexone medication (LDN) for Multiple Sclerosis (MS). He was diagnosed in 1984 at the age of 41. 
Before his diagnosis he was very active and owned a restaurant, at first, Tom felt so lost as he knew nothing about MS. His symptoms included feeling like he was “Walking on marbles.” After surgery in 1970 for a pinched nerve, all symptoms returned, and did not go back to the doctors until 1984.
Tom found out about LDN through the internet near 2002, and by July 2004 started taking the new medication.
He states that the LDN medication hasn't cured all of his symptoms, he still has spasms in his lower back and legs, which have remained constant but have not become worse, but also have not improved. Tom’s initial side effects included vivid dreams and sleep disturbance.
Tom says he wouldn't be without the LDN medication, and advises people to try it. Even if they didn't know much about it, he would advise them to also look at our website, and that there is nothing to lose.

Please watch the video to view the full interview. Thank you

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