Vicky from the United States shares their Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Vicky from the United States was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis(MS) in 1997 after starting to experience symptoms the previous year, such as weakness, fatigue and hand and walking problems, as well as cognitive issues. After diagnosis, the symptoms had worsened to excruciating pain, she became sensitive to heat and cold. Vicky also lost muscle control, meaning walking was difficult, including problems swallowing.

Vicky heard about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) from her husband dueto him researching forums and websites for her. However when she brought it up to her GP, she was instantly shut down due to it not being FDA approved. So she called up a different GP, and was eventually written up a prescription.

Since being on LDN, Vicky has stated that all of her symptoms have gone and her quality of life has drastically improved, claiming that “days are not long enough.”

When asked what she would say to those contemplating Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), she was enthusiastic in saying for them to give it a try, emphasising the fact they have nothing to lose. 

This is a summary, to hear the whole interview click the video link.

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