Wendy from the United States shares her Hashimoto’s & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Wendy from the United States shares her Hashimoto’s and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Wendy began to feel ill a few months after she had returned to the United States from ground zero at Chernobyl in May of 1986. Her symptoms included intense brain fog, fatigue, muscle pain and diarrhoea to name a few.

By 1988, many doctors thought it was cancer; it wasn’t until 1990 that Wendy was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. Wendy’s body was not responsive to any of the treatments until she found Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).

She said “Within six to eight weeks (of starting on LDN) my dizziness was gone, my brain fog had begun to clear and I was able to exercise again. I can work full time and I feel like I’ve got my life back in a way I never thought I could have. It’s better than it was before.”

This is a summary of Wendy’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Wendy’s Hashimoto’sstory by clicking on the video above.