Wendy from Wales shares her Low Dose Naltrexone & Psoriasis story

Wendy from Wales takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Psoriasis. She first started noticing symptoms twelve years ago. She found lots of dry patches on her elbows and knees so was prescribed a steroid cream. However she felt it was not working, as after she stopped using the cream it was worse and had spread to other parts of the body. Wendy states that around two and a half years ago is when the Psoriasis peaked, as it had spread all over her whole body.

Wendy has been taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for approximately two years now. She felt no introductory side effects, and after months of taking the medication she has noticed improvements in her skin such as a more natural colour and texture, less itchiness, cracking and the skin has regenerated. 

This is a summary, to hear the whole interview click the video link.