What is the best time to take Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?
Best time of day 9:00 p.m. Most people say bedtime. And now I'm going to talk from a pharmacist's perspective. When we say 9:00 p.m. We're talking, that's close to bedtime, unless you're a 21-year-old going to the clubs and chances are you're not looking for Naltrexone. So bedtime for you might be 1:00 in the morning, but for most patients, we say take it around 9:00 because that's close to bedtime, where you should be going into your bedtime.
I'm now going to say this again, that is an old paradigm. There's no best time to take Naltrexone. The best time for any patient to take naltrexone is the time that works best for them. So, I'm going to take it away from 9:00 p.m. Or bedtime, and I'm going to say what works best for the patient. As long as you're not getting sleep disturbances, preferably take it at bedtime because you'll do it consistently. Brush your teeth, take your pill, go to bed. If you have good dreams, that's a bonus. If it's causing sleep disturbances, it's the worst time to take it. Sleep is essential for recovery and it's essential for all health. I can't stress that enough. That's why I'm not a big fan of the sleep disturbances. Move away from that. So, I start people mostly in the morning now. So, that's my recommendation.