What Blood Tests Do You Use to Check for Inflammation?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser
LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser

What Blood Tests Do You Use to Check for Inflammation?

What Blood Tests Do You Use to Check for Inflammation?  That is an excellent question.  I don't draw a lot of those blood tests.  I do see a lot of C-reactive protein, homocysteine, and some other inflammatory markers associated with that disease.  Whatever the disease state is afflicting that patient, we can hone in on tests specific to that individual.  There's no reason to look at Low Dose Naltrexone in the blood to ensure that you're at a blood level because we're never looking at a steady state.  We don't take Low Dose Naltrexone around the clock to hit a steady state level that will actually reduce, if not negate, any of the benefits associated with upregulating the endorphins, reducing inflammation and helping with pain.  We don't look at it that way. We do look at C-reactive protein, as well as homocysteine in some of the other blood tests that are associated perhaps with antibodies with those specific diseases.