What Can Someone Do When 5 HTP or SAMe or Tryptophan creates Agitation?

Dr Jess Armine
Dr Jess Armine

What Can Someone Do When 5 HTP or SAMe or Tryptophan creates Agitation?

What can someone do when 5 htp or SAMe or tryptophan creates agitation?  With SAMe it is usually because of the methyl component.  WITH 5 HTP the best way to handle that is to start with very small doses.  Physica energetica  makes a liposomal, and thanks to liposomal 5 HTP two sprays are 25 milligrams.  Start with one spray.  The serotonal receptors can atrophy.  I don't know if this is true or not. If you throw a lot of tryptophan into the serotonin receptors they makes the serotonin go into a different receptor causing problems.  I don't know if that actually happens but what did work was instead of starting with 100, 200, 300, 400 milligrams, I would start 50 or 25 and I do that for a couple of weeks.  That I call it teasing up the receptors and then I could slowly build it up.

Now with tryptophan it is a different story.  Why do we use 5HTP instead of tryptophan?  Because tryptophan s sitting on the beginning of the pathway. There's another pathway called the IDO pathway that under conditions of inflammation and so forth will steal the tryptophan, put it through its pathway and at first it creates chironic acid which is neuroprotective and then it creates quinolenic acid which is a neurotoxin.  That creates NAD so sometimes the tryptophan can get pulled into a different pathway and you get agitation.  I remember specifically in the late 90s running into that problem and Kelly Olson, PhD who was the  director for the Neuroscience Corporation discovered that particular pathway and why it went down that way.  They will pull tryptophan off the market because they were saying it's causing nastiness.  What it was doing was tryptophan was creating glutonic acid,  and  she's the one that discovered that.