What is the Dartmouth Article?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser
LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser

What is the Dartmouth Article?

The participant worried about doctors thinks they should share that they could share rather the Dartmouth review article on the Stanford articles by Jared Younger.  Hopefully the patient has seen that answer there.  The Dartmouth article is the one that summarizes the first 900 articles from 2018 and before.  It was actually summarized by a physician who was working at Dartmouth University and he got really tired of having to search all of this and that so he organized these scientific articles by disease state.  Then he took a look at the type of article, the dosing that was used, he summarized the article itself and then gave excerpts as to what their outcomes were. 

Jarred Younger he has authored, I can't think of how many, but many.  Ian Zygon is the other one of the other physicians who's done an extraordinary groupings of work on the studies of Low Dose Naltrexone.