What do you do to test and treat mold exposure in chronic Lyme and long COVID patients?

What do you do to test and treat mold exposure in chronic Lyme and long COVID patients?

Mold exposure. Mold toxicity comes in a couple of forms. You can have mold allergy, or you can have these mycotoxins, which are very resilient chemicals that course through our bodies. You can get exposure through, a damaged building, a water damaged building. You can also get exposure through eating grains, coffee things, dairy products that have these mycotoxins in them or mold in them, like coffee is a big offender. A lot of people don't know this. In America, a lot of the coffee that's allowed into the country is moldy. In Russia, they are very strict about it, more so than in the United States. And some of our grains are repositories for mold. And in the feedlots, if you've got moldy corn and you've got cows, pigs, and chickens eating that, those mycotoxins that those molds produce will be in the meat of those animals. And then we eat the meat, and then that's how we get exposed. So it passes through on the food chain.

So identifying that will start us on the road to detoxifying or removing those mycotoxins, if at all possible, with binders. But you've got to get the person out from that moldy building. So check their house, check their workplace, check their car by a certified mold inspector, and they've got to get out of that environment. Otherwise, you're spinning your wheels. You can give them all the binders you want and all the detox protocols you want, but if they get constant reexposure, you're not solving the problem.

EMF is another thing. Electromagnetic radiation or frequency can enhance the mold to release mycotoxins. I think they did an experiment, and I'd have to look at the reference again, but they put a mold on a petri dish under a Faraday cage to isolate it from any EMF, and they measured the amount of mycotoxins. Then they removed the Faraday cage, and they exposed the same mold to high doses of EMF by using WiFi routers or electronic devices. And apparently there was a 600 fold increase in mycotoxins released from those molds just from the EMF. There are people that are sensitive to EMF, and apparently that enhances the mold.

So if you got Lyme and COVID, and now mold on top of it, and then you're under a 5G tower for a few hours, well, you could blow up. I'm saying that figuratively. In other words, you can become a hot mess with all kinds of issues based on that type of exposure.