What is the Dosage of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Neuropathy?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser
Pharmacist Michelle Moser

What is the Dosage of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Neuropathy?

I have autonomic small fiber neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy in my feet.  Is there a limit dose for the pain?

The limitation to the dose is between when it works and it doesn't work anymore.  That's the limitation. We usually don't see doses.   Dr Norman talked about going up to a total daily dose somewhere between three and four milligrams, but most of the time, most of his patients were on much less than that and it's really about what's going to work for you individually.  The very low dose of LDN is going to help reduce the inflammation around that nerve fiber and also in the muscle fibers as well.  By reducing the inflammation therefore it will reduce the tingling sensation.

LDN also helps to reduce blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetics which a lot of times there is a diabetes associated with neuropathy, especially in the feet because the feet are the furthest away from the heart but tend to collect a lot of the blood supply. In addition to LDN a good diet and exercise routine should be maintained. This isn't about running a marathon.  This isn't even about training for a marathon.  This is about just movement and maintaining good blood glucose control.  You cannot outlive a bad diet.