What Gives Temporary Relief from Water Retention Caused by Mast Cell Activation Disorder?
Is there any medication, treatment or supplement that will provide temporary relief of water retention caused by mast cell activation disorder?Is there anything you can take to help increase the excretion of fluids in the cellular tissue?
Well, medications would be any of the diuretics that are out there. Okay. Sometimes high doses of B sixor PP will help, that will help the sodium potassium pump work better, which is the major reason that you have swelling is because that pump is not working. There's a lot of sodium in the cells and where sodium is, water goes in because semipermeable membrane. So that can be helpful. Getting at the cause of it really resolves it very quickly. Okay.
You combine that if you're dealing with a female who has, you know, who's cycling of course, and you know, you may be also, this problem may be combined with the hormonal shift near the period. And again, B six is one of the answers to that.
Is there anything you can take to help increase the excretion of fluids in the cellular tissue?
Again, just getting the sodium potassium pump working Okay. And repairing the cell membranes, that's the way I go about it. They may be a bit uncomfortable for a bit, and if their medical physician wants to prescribe a diuretic medication, that's fine. Again, it's temporary. Make sure they get enough electrolytes.