What kind of Fillers can be Used or Should be Used in Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser
Pharmacist Michelle Moser

What kind of Fillers can be Used or Should be Used in Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

A couple of questions that have come up, especially on the Facebook page and even through the Research Trust question area, questions specifically around what kind of fillers can be used or should be used. And we talked a little bit about that. And again, it really has to do with you and what is necessary.

Some fillers are a little cleaner than others. In other words, they have been processed through FDA authorized plants, authorized chemical wholesalers. Some fillers are food grade, which may not necessarily be as clean as pharmaceutical grade.

So we have to be careful with all of those. Food grade products are also not as consistent in particle size, so it can make compounding capsules a little bit more tricky. But we could definitely use those.

So some people want to use fillers that are from other supplements and in the United States we have to be very careful about the compounding rules that we're all subject to. So that might help you in understanding why compounding pharmacies say yes to some things and maybe not as many yeses to other things.