What is the titrate protocol for Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

What is the titrate protocol for Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

How slowly to titrate up LDN, since it can take a while to know how the dose affects you?

My pre-printed prescription, which has been working out in general, I start with one milligram a day, usually in the morning, and then every four to seven days increase by one milligram tablet until you're on 4.5, and that takes care of 90% of the patients. 

But in the wonderful book, edited by Linda Elsegood, in the LDN book 2, there's a publication about how I utilize Naltrexone in MCAS, and in 116 patients, 60% got better, 20% no change, 20% side effects. 

But if you look at all drugs used for MCAS, there's nothing that's 100%, and certainly no one drug has no side effects, so you just have to look at that and be practical.