What Would You Suggest for Low Natural Killer Cells?
What would you suggest for low Natural Killer Cells? This is a common thing that comes up in the oncology world and also people with chronic infections. Natural killer cells have a natural cyclone. It is similar to taking germanium. If you take germanium every day you actually get stimulation and then some suppression. If you cycle it you don't. The other thing about natural killer cells is the number is less important than the activity. In cancer patients and chronic infection patients we always run, along with natural killer cell number, a NKCF natural cortisol function. There are particular labs that do it. If you have an immunology speciality lab they can do that because it is a specialty draw. You can have low NK cells but good natural killer cell function and it's fine.
If you have low NK cells and function is low then normally what we would do is look for reasons why you were given a drug that caused that or do you have chronic infections that are just sucking the life out of your bone marrow and cell progenitors or find what else going on.
The thing I've seen most helpful with the actual killer cell function improvement is organic germanium, germanium sesqui oxide. In the U.S we can't have it compounded at a pharmacy but we can buy it as a supplement. I suggest people take it with food. As always, you should check with your provider.