When Do I Stop Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Prior to Surgery?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser
Pharmacist Michelle Moser

When Do I Stop Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Prior to Surgery?

Next question is one that we hear often.  If you are having surgery do you need a discontinuation period before and after?   Yes, Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) should be stopped 3 days before surgery.  It blocks the same receptors that most pain medications do and because they use pain medications even during the anesthesia period let alone also for pain control when they're performing surgery it's best to be off LDN for about three days before. Then you can restart your dose when you are completely off your opiate pain medications, whether those are natural or synthetic pain medications you need to be off of those. 

Now if you are able to taper your pain medication down and you're only taking let's say one tablet a day and let's say you're taking that first thing in the morning to get out of bed and get moving you can still use your LDN at night.  Just be careful that again, because they bind those same receptors we don't want you to have periods of time when you're not covered if you still have pain.  

It is recommended for most surgeries that you continue using that LDN after surgery because it's going to help reduce that inflammation.  It will also help with the pain control and it works so well in helping with the healing process.