When Should You Stop Taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Before Surgery? 

When Should You Stop Taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Before Surgery? 

It is recommended to stop two to three days before surgery. Don't take LDN with any opioids. A lot of patients say that isn’t a problem because they don’t take opioids, or hydrocodone, oxycodone or anything like that. But I do remind them if you have a procedure and are going to get prescribed pain pills they are going to want to come off of Low Dose Naltrexone before that.

Generally the half-life is about four to six hours so therefore it should be completely out of your body in about a day or two. Two days would probably be sufficient and then you can restart it when you're done with the pain pills. When you don't need the pain pills anymore you can go ahead and restart Low Dose Naltrexone. 

Somebody taking opioids just transiently for a procedure is one thing. Somebody that's been on opioids for a really long time may want to wean them off a lot more obviously and start the Naltrexone later but if it's just a procedure and you don't normally take opioids that would be fine. I have had some patients say Tramadol is generally contraindicated a lot of times. I have doctors that don't want to write Tramadol with Low Dose Naltrexone. I have had other doctors that will do it and they'll just make sure to separate the doses by about six hours or so.