Which is the recommended time to take Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Stephen Dickson
Pharmacist Stephen Dickson

Which is the recommended time to take Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

I've been taking LDN for some years and I'm doing fine.  I always thought you were meant to take it in the evening but you've been suggesting taking it in the morning. Can you explain why you recommend taking it in the morning?

When you're used to taking LDN you don't tend to have the big rush or the reaction of endorphin release that interrupts sleep in some people. If you've been taking it at nighttime for years and you're perfectly fine, and you don't have any issues with your sleep and you're waking up perfectly rested, then continue to do so. There's no reason for you to swap to taking your LDN in the mornings.  

We tend to say when new people are starting it that they should start taking it in the morning because it reduces the risk of side effects in interrupting your sleep pattern, but also means that with a standardized message that can go out to everybody. You can take it in the morning. It has no clinical difference and how well you're going to do. Mornings remove the risk of patients developing sleep disturbances or having side effects in their sleep. A lot of people say if they take LDN  at night time they'll develop terrible dreams of being chased or people stabbing them, or falling off a cliffs and some of the stories we used to hear  were horrendous and that basically stopped dead when we started to recommend taking it in the morning.  People are still getting benefits so it makes no major difference what time of day they take LDN.