Because many of the conditions that LDN is used to alleviate are autoimmune and inflammatory in nature, symptoms take time to reverse. As a result, one dose of the medication would not be enough to achieve relief. LDN requires consistent and continued use to achieve the desired results. At low doses, naltrexone works by increasing endorphin release which in turn modulates the immune system. To experience the benefit of LDN, results typically take up to 2 weeks or longer. Patients first need to find their optimal dose by gradually titrating their dose up. The rate of the taper is patient specific-while some patients increase by 0.5mg every week others may increase by 0.5mg or 1mg every 3 to 4 weeks. The ultimate dose is also patient specific based on the condition being treated, improvement of symptoms, goals of therapy and potential side effects experienced. Once the optimal dose is achieved, patients could anticipate about two weeks to experience the maximum benefit they should receive from the medication at that dose.