Will Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Benefit Kidney Disease? 

Dr Paul Anderson
Dr. Paul Anderson

Will Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Benefit Kidney Disease? 

Will Low Dose Naltrexone be of benefit to kidney disease?  That is a good question.  I have certainly used Naltrexone in chronic kidney problems.  The kidneys are extremely sensitive in a good way to immunomodulation.  We use a lot of curcumin. Sometimes we use melatonin.  We use all sorts of things.  So LDN would fit in, especially if there's an inflammatory or autoimmune component to the kidney disease.  If it's kidney disease secondary to say cardiovascular disease, it may be a little less efficacious.  So it really depends who's triggering the kidney disease.  But, yes, I feel it is worth a try.