Will Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Help a Variety of Inflammatory Conditions and Pleurisy, Pericarditis and More?

Dr Paul Anderson
Dr Paula Anderson

Will Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Help a Variety of Inflammatory Conditions and Pleurisy, Pericarditis and More?

A patient reported  they have Hashimotos.  They take Armor Thyroid and supplements.  When they were one month post COVID they were dealing with pleurisy and possible pericarditis.  They had a consistent fever, loss of voice, and other issues.  All their imaging looked good.  This continued for three months.  Now it has been 8 months and they have less severe relapses.  The patient wanted to know if they should use LDN. 

When you had COVID followed by pleuritis with high inflammatory markers it is a classic case that the immune system needs to calm down.  Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) in addition to the other medications and supplements would be helpful.   Because the patient is in an imflammatory state they should taper up slowly.  

A really broad look at other infections that are opportunistic would be helpful. The HHV family should be considered which is like Epstein-Barr and CMV.  Test for persistent lung organisms.  The biggest ones are mycoplasma, pneumoniae and chlamydia ammoniae.   The infectious state should be looked at.  

With Hashimoto's that is not under control you should be your morning cortisol level tested and make sure adrenals are not over or under producing but also a test called reverse T3 which is a protective form of inactive T3 hormone that blocks your T3 receptors.