LDN Video Interviews and Presentations

Radio Show interviews, and Presentations from the LDN 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Conferences

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Susan - US: Jim's Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 08 Jan 2020 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: I'd like to introduce Susan Garvin from the US, I had the pleasure of meeting Susan and Jim in Nashville at the conference in 2010 this show is dedicated to Susan's late husband, Jim Garvin, who was an LDN user and a huge advocate of LDN. Thank you for joining me today. Susan. 

Susan Garvin: Oh, I'm so pleased. And Jim is watching from above cause he would talk anybody's ear off about LDN and its many uses for ailments that you had. He would talk anybody's ear off. 

Linda Elsegood: Well this is a tribute to Jim, could you tell us about Jim and your life together, how long you were married. 

Susan Garvin: Well, Jim and I were married at age 20 in 1971. We were married to the same people for just shy of 48 years when he passed.

And he was just really dedicated to his family, friends, and his community. Jim was a cable splicer for the phone company he retired from there, after his diagnosis with MS on January 20, 2000, he always said, it's his birthday present. Cause he was born in January, he didn't feel sorry for himself about the diagnosis.

He goes if it's not me. Who else could it be? You know? Jim was diagnosed and actually was told by the doctor that he had Lyme disease, but he got mixed up with another patient. So it was an MS diagnosis. So he retired from the phone company as a cable splicer because of course his many MS symptoms.

And he would find himself ready to pass out, not remember things, walking became a burden for him. We used to call it wall walking where he had to hold on to the walls of the house to get around. At one point he did use a wheelchair because he was unsteady on his feet. 

He, he was taking Betaferon because the doctor wanted him on it. And for a man that was over 250 pounds, just shivering on the bed with flu-like symptoms every other day was pretty hard to watch and see. But he was doing an internet search for other alternative treatments for MS and actually came across some little tidbits of information about low dose naltrexone. So Jim, he decided to call people on the message board that he was searching on. Fin d out that it was really a truly a good treatment for MS and he took a leap of faith and talked the Dr into it, she was not his neurologist who was not really on board but prescribed it anyway, so we got a compounded prescription in the next town over. He came home and tried it and the next day Jim had an improvement in his symptoms of balance. He was able to stand on one foot for balance and so excited as he was, he just called everybody at the doctor's office to just say, thank you.

The doctor was not impressed with that. And after the next consultation, she actually wanted to remove us as patients. So anyway, we had a lot of help and he felt so much better in his symptoms. He was inspired to reach out and tell everybody about it.

So, we have a lot of friends that we met out at the Nashville conference and stayed in touch with them. Jim was known as captain caveman because he would always reach out to people on the internet, and then he called it, go back to his cave. So he was dubbed by Brenda as a captain caveman we had a lot of fun with that.

Jim had, in his own words, he would say he had a turnaround of his symptoms. Have ups and downs and better days and he says he could get out of the bed, make it to the throne room without falling down or having an accident, make it there by himself without a cane or the wheelchair.

And, he did have energy. We had a good life. Jim helped care for a lot of family members. We resumed camping and we pulled a fifth-wheel trailer for camping and visited Arizona. And we just had a very large social world because of that. So again, it gave him an opportunity to teach other people about LDN.

And one of our friends gave him some business cards, printed up with our name, address, and so on. And it said, ask me about LDN. Of course, he passed those out everywhere.

We went to a local viewing of a documentary on low dose naltrexone for Lyme disease. We had a conversation with a man in the lobby afterwards, and he goes on and on. He goes. I had my aunt taking this and, and some crazy man told her about all of this, and LDN and Jim goes, well, you're looking at that crazy man.

We had big chuckles that it comes around and meeting other people that it changed their lives. That really meant a lot to him. We made a lot of good friends that 

Linda Elsegood: I  remember meeting you on the, General Jackson, Mississippi riverboat after the conference in Nashville.

Susan Garvin: Oh, it was so wonderful. Yes. We have a lot of good friends and, Paul and Altha, Brenda was there, Crystal. We have a lot of good memories of those times andwe're just so pleased about how LDN is really changing the world.

We have results that are real now. And when Jim first started it, it was just like, well, maybe it might help you. And you know, we love the testimonies of how it helped people. Jim was on the cutting edge, I would say, of learning and teaching and sharing about LDN as you are.

Linda Elsegood: When did Jim start taking LDN? 

Susan Garvin:  He was started in about January, February, about 2003, I think, 2003 so he was on it about 18 years, without an exacerbation.

And I have to say, Jim saw the neurologist the several days before he passed away, and his neurologist said MRIs taken a few months before, showed there are no changes in your MRIs from the previous and that tickled Jim today because to say that and it was proof that LDN was a life-changer for us. And Jim died of pancreatic cancer, which very few people live through a treatment plan on. But we do feel that it helped his life become meaningful.  

Linda Elsegood: Well, Jim started around the same time as I did then cause I started in, um, December. The 3rd of December in 2003.

Susan Garvin: It's about that. Exactly.

Linda Elsegood: In those days, there were not many people taking LDN. The internet wasn't what it is today either you know. There are more trials and studies being done every month; somebody has done something. There is Facebook now, which there wasn't, or, might've been around, but it wasn't what it is today.

And people sharing information around the world, podcasts and documentaries, conferences, it's all growing momentum over the years. It's a far bigger movement now.

Susan Garvin: Absolutely. I mean, and when Jim researched it, he was in the low thousands on the message board that he was researching on and he sat there and he, he was so funny, had a wicked sense of humour, but he sat there and he said, I felt like somebody slapped me on the back of the head and said. Take a look at this, it can change your life. And again, he did his due diligence and researched that and talked to real people. And again, there is what we, we found that. Testimonies and talking to people made a huge difference. And I think again, Jim talking to other people that we met con a camping trip, after Jim had started this, met up with, people in the Santa Cruz area. And met with them in person and told them, look, I'm a real person. This has changed my life. That person that had MS started, it changed their life also. And you know, you can't take away those things, that life is changed for other people because of you. 

Linda Elsegood: We have 35,000+ people on our main LDN Research Trust Facebook group.

I mean, that is an amazing amount of people, isn't it? I mean, if you put them all in one place at the same time, it would be a huge crowd.

Susan Garvin: Exactly. So, I know that people can take a for so many things, you know? And that that's what's been good for us to know. We share the books, we share testimonies and Facebook.

I mean, having all of those researchers and, and instead of sharing just one on one. We can share it through to the internet and have a larger audience. So we're very proud of the community and how it's grown. 

Linda Elsegood: And patient testimonies are so reassuring and so inspirational for other people who feel, let's say somebody with alopecia who hasn't ever seen anybody with alopecia, let alone know anybody that's taking any kind of treatment. You feel very isolated and on your own, and it really does help to connect with other people who are in the same boat as you, who can talk to you and help. It really does make a big difference.

Susan Garvin: Yeah. that's true. So it's like we are here we're a purpose. And I just think that Jim was definitely one that was blessed. On LDN, he had an almost complete turn around of his symptoms. He still had moments, you know, fatigue and heat intolerance, but being able to take care of yourself and not be a burden on somebody, that was huge to him, that he didn't ever want to "be taken care of" by someone. He was active till the very end. Well that's good to hear, isn't it? That's the time when you think, well, yeah, I've had a good one. Yeah, 

Linda Elsegood: He was amazing. So did you have children, 

Susan Garvin: Yes. We had two,. Our son died about nine years ago. And then we have a daughter that is a teacher and she's taking a two year teaching position in Hong Kong. And we'll be home for her Christmas for a visiting family. So we are totally excited about that. My mother, that's going to be 91, lives with us; we have three dogs at the moment and, mother still goes camping with us. Jim is one that really helps take care of my mother. He gave up three months of our life to go take care of her in Arizona after my father died and invited her to live with us. He always said, if we didn't have her, he wouldn't have me. And he just told me every single day that he loved me. And he did that by showing love to others. 

Linda Elsegood: Do you have any grandchildren?

Susan Garvin: Yes, I have two a 24-year-old beautician, granddaughter, and a 16-year-old, uh, still in high school. So, they'll be in for Christmas probably, and love being a part So, I have the grand dog, so the grand dog is staying with us through my daughter's time in Hong Kong. It's a loving schnauzer and we get to visit and cuddle with her along with our other two dogs. They want to be on your lap and cuddling. So it's like a puppy pile. 

Linda Elsegood: Dogs are such great company and the way they follow you around. 

Susan Garvin: Hmm. They are. And they loved Jim. Jim could teach him anything and they always wanted attention from him. So they were very comforting to him. Cause you know, there were times in the first part of his diagnosis, he'd just be sitting in the recliner, but he'd be laying back and have our little dog laying on his chest. And you know that that was his girlfriend. You know he would have a girlfriend on his chest or a little dog.

And those are cute pictures I keep in my mind. 

Linda Elsegood: So what kinds of dogs do you have. 

Susan Garvin: My oldest is a dachshund and Queensland max. She's got black spots and grey ticking. We have a white Vishaan that's practically toothless cause. she's lost her teeth. And then my daughter's dog, the miniature schnauzer. So a pretty energetic group considering. 

Linda Elsegood: Well, it's been amazing speaking to you, Susan, and thank you so much for sharing Jim's story. You know, it's nice to be remembered for all the hard work that he did and to, you 

Susan Garvin: Well, it's continuing on. I'll be a part of this community forever enough, for I know how life-changing it is for each one of us.

Linda Elsegood: Well, thank you so much for having been our guest today. 

Susan Garvin: Well, thank you, Linda. I look forward to seeing you in person on another future date. 

Linda Elsegood: You can bank on it. Thank you, Susan. 

Susan Garvin: Bye-bye.

Linda Elsegood: [00:21:24] This show is sponsored by our members who made donations. We'd like to give them a very big thank you. We have to cover the monthly costs of the radio station software and with phone lines and phone calls to be able to continue with their idea of the show. And thank you for listening.

Any questions or comments you may have. Please email me at Contact@ldnresearchtrust.org I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.


Sherry - 1st Jan 2020 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: Today. I'm joined by Sherry who uses LDN. Thank you for joining me today, Sherry. 

Sherry [00:01:07] Thank you for inviting me. 

Linda Elsegood: [00:01:10] Could you tell our listeners what is it you take LDN for?

Sherry [00:01:16] I have the autoimmune disease, lupus. I have degenerative arthritis and fibromyalgia. These are three of the main concerns in my health, which has caused chronic pain. And it's really brought me to a place of disability, not being able to work and to enjoy life. And my health just kept deteriorating. And so a few months ago I was introduced to the alternative medication of low dose naltrexone. 

Linda Elsegood: [00:02:08] Can we just stop there for a minute? Let's find out first of all, before you found LDN, what was it like, and how long did you have all these conditions? I mean, have you had them all your life? Have they only been the last few years? Start at the beginning of your journey. 

Sherry [00:02:28] probably about 25-30 years ago I started having issues of where I would get a rash all over my body and then begin just feeling really bad and tired, and everything on my body hurt. It would happen maybe two or three times a year, or if I had gotten a virus or a urinary tract infection, I would get these symptoms. And it took several years for it to progress to where I was having these symptoms every month, every two weeks. And it took quite a while for doctors to diagnose the condition as lupus. And it is a progressive type of illness, not like it happens once and then you get better.

It just continued to get worse as I aged, and I developed more degenerative arthritis in my spine and my hands, which also inhibited me from being able to do a lot of physical activity. I was a nurse and you use your hands quite a bit. And that became very difficult to do. And then I started with the chronic muscle pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia that impacted more of my lifestyle. As time went on, I ended up taking early retirement from a job so that I could rest for a little while, and maybe reduce the stress level in my life to see if that would help. I found a job that I could do sitting down and using my computer, but still having to deal with the symptoms of chronic pain, fatigue and then flare-ups from any types of stress or viral illnesses or bacterial illnesses. So it really inhibited my life quite a bit. In 2018, I was awarded a disability determination, and that same year I couldn't do my job anymore even though it was a sit-down job. I just got to where I couldn't do full-time work. It just affected every part of my life, even my extracurricular activities within the community or with church or friends. 

I went to see a rheumatologist, and a couple of years ago and a new drug called Benlysta came out that was the first, uh, treatment for lupus; and I've been getting infusions every month and that has helped tremendously. It's cut back on the number of flare-ups I have with lupus. But degenerative arthritis and the fibromyalgia still had a great impact. And it was to the point where I could not even walk a mile. Or if I had to go to the grocery store and I had to walk around the big shopping centre, I'd make sure to hold onto the cart if I had pain in my back and my legs, and it would just make me have to sit down or, at times lie down. If I had family meals, a holiday celebration where I would do a lot of food preparation, after a short period of time, I just had to go lay down. The pain was just so tremendous in my body because of arthritis.  

Linda Elsegood: [00:07:53] can I just ask you, Sherry, how difficult was it to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia because it hasn't been recognized as a condition for that many years?

Sherry [00:08:03] That's very true. It is difficult, because as far as being recognized, and even lupus, it is the great disguise there. It was hard for them to finally put a diagnosis on me. And you find in your mind that you question whether you are going crazy or something, and what's going on with me? I know I have these feelings. So you finally find other people who are experiencing the same thing you are, and you realize you aren’t the only one that felt that way. And so yeah, it is a very difficult thing going through a disease process that is not truly recognized. 

Linda Elsegood: [00:09:28] And then you, of course, we're told about LDN. I mean, how easy was that to get a prescription and have it filled.

Sherry[00:09:38] That was another story. I had been referred to pain management because the doctor said, well, there's nothing else we can do for you. Go to pain management. And that was getting injections and getting on opioids. For some reason, it did not work on me. I guess maybe I'm just different. But the steroid injections didn't work. And as part of pain management, you also are sent to a psychiatrist to be able to find better ways to deal with chronic pain. And it was through that - that psychiatrist had dealt with other patients whose opioids and injections and all did nothing for the pain. And she said, they were put on a drug, it's off label use, but maybe this will help you. And so I started to do some research on it and talked with my pain management doctor asking if she knew about this use of naltrexone. She had never heard of it before. Then I talked with my rheumatologist and he said he had heard of it, but he's never used it for any of his patients, but he was willing to try it on me. And luckily there was the LDN Research Trust website and all the information that's for providers and patients.  He was able to be directed to that, and as he's educating himself with the use of this drug, he sent my first prescription to my pharmacy. I had no idea that it had become compounded, and my pharmacy didn't know either. So they actually made a mistake and gave me 50 milligrams of naltrexone. I'm thinking it was because I was on opioids at one point. So that was a farce. And then I finally found a pharmacy that did compounding for naltrexone, and that pharmacist was extremely helpful. He directed me to some more LDN research, information so I could educate myself and become part of the lupus support group of those who use LDN. He was an immense source of education and comfort, so I finally was able to get the medication through a compounding pharmacy in our area. 

I even talked with my primary care physician, telling her about the experience that I've been having with low dose naltrexone, and she says, this is what we need to hear. We need to hear about treatments like this, and they're not hearing it. And so anyway, my little part, I'm sharing the website information.

Linda Elsegood: [00:13:30] at what dose did you start on when you started, Sherry

Sherry [00:13:34] He started me on 4.5 milligrams right away, so I was taking that at bedtime, and immediately for the first couple of weeks, I saw no difference in the pain. I did start sleeping and dreaming, and I hadn't dreamt in quite a while, and sleeping through the night was very restorative.

It was about maybe six weeks of taking the 4.5 milligrams at bedtime that I started noticing in the day time that my pain level was decreasing. It wasn't as bad. It was tolerable. I had been where I would be from a six to eight pain score level every day, and at times more when I had to overdo things too much on my feet, or too much physical activity. I just had to go to bed and there was nothing that really helped me to take the edge off. After about six weeks, I noticed it's starting to work for pain and I was just full of joy about it. I just felt new. I felt renewed. My pain level about six weeks into LDN has gone to a three to a five every day, and that's for me, that's tolerable. That works. And I'm just overjoyed with that. And because of that, I've been able to walk for more than two miles, and hold on to a thing, or lie down, or use some other pain medication to help take the edge off. Those were the first experiences. I was just really just thrilled and told my doctors about it and they were extremely happy about it. Yeah. It set a whole new outlook on life. I don't expect that I would be 100%  a new body, a new person, but my life is definitely tolerable now in my body. 

Linda Elsegood: [00:16:49] And do you have a virus? Would you like to explain what happened when you had a virus? 

Sherry [00:16:57] Yes. It's now six days ago, I started having a respiratory virus, the cough, the congestion and all that. Usually, with lupus, those are triggers to a lupus flare-up. I didn't really know what was going to happen, but when it triggers a lupus flare-up, I get a rash over my total body and my skin becomes very painful. I have increased muscle and joint pain, fatigue, headache. It's not very nice.  It's bad enough you're not feeling well because you have a virus, then you have that on top of it. So six days ago I started with this virus then two days later I woke up and I had a lupus rash all over my body, the same type of experience that I would have prior, with the pain and fatigue, and all that went along with it. I called my rheumatologists and I reported to him what it was. Usually, he would prescribe a taper of prednisone over one to two weeks and my symptoms would be gone, the rash would be gone. And when the rash leaves, 10 days later my skin starts to peel off. The prednisone helps with the pain and the fatigue, but it usually takes about one to two weeks for me to get through an episode of a flare. 

I called my doctor as I was beginning this flare up and he didn't want to start any prednisone. He wanted to be sure that I did not have any type of infection, and afraid of it suppressing my immune system and then the virus really taking over. I agreed and I said I will call back and be reevaluated, so no prednisone next time. And then the rash and the fatigue and the pain exacerbated. And by that evening, ready to go to bed, I took in my LDN, as a backup.  We decided to give me the doses of one-milligram capsules so I could play with the dose and see if I could have a good reaction on just three milligrams of naltrexone, or if I really needed five or six milligrams of Naltrexone tab That's when I found that when I was on the three milligrams I had more disruption in sleep and more discomfort in my muscles and joints. So I went up to five milligrams and I was taking that pretty regularly and I was feeling good. And then I got the virus when I was on five milligrams of LDN. So when the flare started, that night when I went to bed, I took five milligrams of LDN. And when I woke up the next morning, my rash was almost gone. I mean, I could barely, barely notice it. I mean, it was just a shadow of it. And as the day went on the pain and the rest of the rash were totally cleared up. All the symptoms were diminishing. I still had the cold symptoms, cough and stuffy nose and all that, but the lupus flare was fading without prednisone. And that just is another surprise, to be able to do that without having prednisone. It’s just a miracle that that could happen. And every night I still continue with the five milligrams of naltrexone.

And every day, the lupus symptoms, the flare-ups, have diminished. I'm still working through the virus. You could probably tell, I sound probable still a little congested, but to me, it's a miracle. I  called and reported to my doctor and said, I know it's hard to believe, now I don't have the symptoms anymore and I didn't take any kind of prednisone. So that's where I am today. 

Linda Elsegood: [00:23:47] Well, What, amazing story. Truly truly is, and I'm sure those people listening who have lupus or degenerative arthritis, fibromyalgia is going to be so inspired by you, and thank you so much for sharing your story. Sherry. 

Sherry [00:24:08] Oh, I appreciate you giving me the opportunity. I hope this can help someone. I know it's so discouraging for some of these diseases, not getting the help you need.

Linda Elsegood: [00:24:21] Well, thank you for having been our guest today. 

Sherry [00:24:25] Okay. Thank you very much. 

Linda Elsegood: [00:24:29] This show is sponsored by our members who made donations. We'd like to give them a very big thank you. We have to cover the monthly costs of the radio station, software, bandwidth, phone lines, and phone calls to be able to continue with our Radio Show.

And thank you for listening.

Any questions or comments you may have. Please Contact Us.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.


Bruce Rose - 18th Dec 2019 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: This week we're not going to be talking about low dose naltrexone We're going to be talking about full-dose naltrexone in 50-milligram tablets, which is used for alcohol use disorder using the Sinclair Method. And today my guest is Bruce Rose from Alcohol Recovery Scotland. Thank for joining us today, Bruce. 

Bruce Rose: No problem. I’m pleased to be here.

Linda Elsegood: Can you tell our listeners about the Sinclair method, first of all?

Bruce Rose: Yeah, the Sinclair method, um, as you were saying, it just includes, uh, using 50 milligrams of naltrexone. And simple way to describe it is an alcohol reduction program leading to either, um, safe drinking or down to abstinence, particularly, uh, where clients will use 50 milligrams of naltrexone alongside alcohol is probably the simplest way.

Linda Elsegood: And can you tell us how you came about to set up this alcohol recovery in Scotland? 

Bruce Rose: Yeah. My background for numbers of years was, uh, in management of alcohol and drug rehab centres. Um, I'm actually based up in the Highlands of Scotland and I moved up to the Highlands of Scotland to manage an alcohol and drug rehab centre.

Bruce Rose: Um, here in the UK at the moment, especially in Scotland, um, funding is so, so difficult to get hold of, um, to run a rehab centre. At the moment, you're probably looking at, you're not getting any change from about half a million times a year to look to run a rehab. Um, and the cost of it was just, uh, it was just impossible.

Um, so the rehab that I was working at initially was privately funded. Um, and they basically ran out of funds. They couldn't keep the rehab going on a long period. Um, so I, I just started looking around and researching on the internet. I started looking around and I thought, there must be a cheaper way. It was difficult to get a cheek, a model with a successful model, which was the battle.

Um, so I looked around and looked around and I searched the internet and search the internet and essentially came across a video that was talking about the Sinclair Method within how people could work without couple, um, issues from the comfort of their own home simply by using medication and being on a support program that came with it.

Um, I have to be honest, when I first heard about it and the first short, my whole background was abstinence-based. It was stopped and clean, um, grab hold of the Munis chair and hopefully if they would come to me in recovery and three to four years clean, um, can I just ask you that button? Sorry. How successful.

Linda Elsegood: Was the program you were using at that time? I mean, were people able to come off alcohol and if so, did they stay off? Did they relapse? What would you say the success rate was in the rehab centres? It was difficult to judge it on a long-term basis because obviously once clients left, you couldn't really see them much.

Bruce Rose: Um, when they were with us, actually in the centre, the success rate would be probably quite high. I would estimate about the sort of 60% mark, 60 to 70% mark. Um, but that's, whilst they were in a very controlled environment, they would be tested on a regular basis. Um, the challenge came when they left. Naltrexone works, uh, without going into too many of some medical details, but the whole foundation, it was such as the process of addiction and takes away the craving that people have.

So the challenge that you had, we haven't been. In most of the rehab centres were one's people left. Then the craving and the addictive side of the alcohol was still there. Um, and all it took was a life situation, some sort of issue that happened in life, and then people would then relapse and then they went back into the whole cycle again.

Um, so I think longer-term, yeah, I've seen different figures vary. They referenced, so three to five years, you're probably looking at about seven to ten per cent success rate.

So yeah, no, great. And then when I show the same Sinclair method, they were saying that it was a seven to 8% success rate. Which to be honest with you, that's why they looked at it enough. You know, it's just not possible. Um, so did some research. I spoke to lots of different people. Um, they were claiming that there were 120 clinical trials done.

Um, I spoke to Claudia Christian in America. Um, I saw the Little Torch Association. Uh, there's a book called The Cure for Alcoholism. Um, it's a lot of medical information in there. Um, the more I looked at it, I spoke to some people, um, different places who use them in the program already, and it all seemed to stack up.

Um, and I thought, this is crazy. This, this looks like it will work. Um. So, yeah. So that's not been led me to leave the rehab centre. I never want to knock at the rehab centres cause they do, they do a lot of good work for the people that it works for. But it's just, no one size doesn't fit all in the recovery world.

Linda Elsegood: I have interviewed some people who have used this method and they've managed to come off of alcohol. So could you tell us? How your experience has been with helping people with the Sinclair Method. 

Bruce Rose: Yeah. It's been a learning process from, from the start. So, um, at the moment in Scotland, I believe I'm the only person that's doing it in Scotland. Um, so I have a doctor that I had worked with in Edinburgh who does all the prescribing. Um, and all the medical, um, work for me. Um, but a lot of it was initially it wasn't trial and error as in the medication and the lessons that were all medical. Um, the trial and error came in the support programs. Uh, we ask people to keep drink diaries, um, we phoned them on a weekly basis, uh, once they've got into the program.

Um, there are lots of different suggestions that we made for people to change habits, to change processes. Um, so we've been learning a lot as we've been going along with the whole process. Um, so initially, um, I would guess we would probably have about a 50% success rate with the things that I've been learning from it recently.

Um, the success rate has now gone up. Um, and I would say it's probably around about. I'd have to go back and check my figures, but we're talking about 65 to 70% success at the moment. So the idea is that you take the 50-milligram tablet before you start drinking alcohol, which then yup. Um. Doesn't affect you.

Linda Elsegood: You don't get any high or a buzz from the alcohol. You just stay exactly the same as you did before you started drinking, which then decreases that desire because it doesn't give you what you're looking for from the alcohol. How? How long before you start drinking? Do you have to take the 50-milligram tablet?

Bruce Rose: They take one hour before they drink. Um, so we always recommend people to take, take a pill one hour before you drink. Um, and then people will then consume alcohol. Um, after the the hours go on. I'm not just giving them an hour two to get into the system and to allow to get to work properly. Um, and then from there, people, they initially stopped off.

We're seeing in the first, I was checking this morning, um, in the first three to four weeks, we're seeing about 40 to 50% drop in individual's alcohol intake in the first three to four months. Um, and that seems to be a very regular pattern with people that we have on the program. Um, and then from then that tends to level out for a few weeks, and then it drops a little bit.

We ask people to send us a graph every week, so we. Well, it's a good switch then correlates into a graph. Now we have a fairly clear picture from a week to week basis on where people are at. So what we find is people will drop a little bit, they might increase a little bit the next week, and then they'll drop bit more.

Linda Elsegood: But the average as the months go on, it definitely just drops and drops and drops and drops. Compliant with taking the medication? 

Bruce Rose: Yes, yes. If you don't take it, it doesn't work. I interviewed one gentleman who said that you know, he would open a bottle or can or, I can't remember. And once you'd open the first one, he would have the second, the third and so on.

He couldn't stop drinking and he was taking the 50-milligram tablet and the number of beers he had started to reduce until he got to the stage where he opened it. And he actually put it down and went and did other things. You know, he didn't have to drink it all in one go. And that came as quite as a surprise to him that he could walk away from it.

He didn't, you know, have to drink it. And then the desire to drink. Every day started to go because there was no reason for it and he started doing other things. So it is altering your lifestyle, as you were saying, alongside taking it to fill the gap of what you would normally be doing. Absolutely.

Bruce Rose: Yeah. We, we have a big discussion that we have with people and we always talk about the difference between addiction and cravings versus habit. Um, but what the naltrexone does is it starts to work without going into too many details when at the time it breaks down the neurological pathways and it's an opiate blocker.

So it stops the release of endorphins, which is what people are addicted to. That’s the treasure and the reward is the brain gets from that. So the medication deals with the craving and the victim addiction side of it, and then you have the habits. So I have a lot of people that have been on the medication for two or three months.

The alcohol levels sometimes haven't dropped as much as they want too. So prior to that stage, and then starting to talk to people and counsel people and say, okay, at this stage, the medication stopped them to do the work that it needs to do. What we meant to look at now is the habits. So instead of coming and home understanding just to, okay, enough with a book and glass of wine, um, take the dog for a walk for a couple of hours or.

Just change the lifestyle or the habit, the routine that you do. And I've had a number of occasions where people have just, they've come home, they've changed the plan. When they come home, they've gone out for a walk that on something else, and then by the time they get home, they've realized or they're starting to understand them, that the medication has done the job.

So they're not craving alcohol at night, which is what they're used to it just to do it out of habit. So they woke up the next day and say, “Oh, I can stop now.” Why? No, no. We've got to get, we've got to do this slowly. Insurance of the whole process works properly. Um, but it is, it's definitely two sides to, it was craving the addiction versus the habit, and we slowly separate the two of them as time goes on.

But the medication tends to the craving. The main difference. I'm Simon sheer compact. She knew that the abstinence side of things. The medication stops long-term craving is the longterm Cleveland, the relapses in a normal, the normal recovery program.  I mean, you can stop the craving once somebody who stopped the drinking with them, or you can choose the relapses by the crucial and a number of papers who've told me. Oh, I have to have a glass of wine in the evening, stroke, beer, stroke, whiskey, whatever it may be after a busy day because it helps relax me. So their thought pattern has to change. You know that you don't need alcohol to relax. 

But of course, it's very easy when you are not addicted to it to see that. But it's not always easy to see it if you do have a problem, because I'm sure until you get to the stage where you want to ask for help, you've had the problem for quite a while. And if people were to suggest you had a problem with alcohol, people would say, no, I don't.

I, you know, I don't have a problem. So, you know, the people that come to you. How long would you say that had a problem with alcohol? It can vary from just a few months up to 10 years, 10-15 years. Um, what I am finding at the moment is that most wine is the biggest shoe that I've got at the moment. Um, I would say that 75 to 80% of my clients have a moment of wine when they start.

Um, it's becoming a huge epidemic in this country and it's, we're not having, Wayne used the word, um, words, alcohol use disorder rather than alcoholism. Um, because when people mentioned the word alcoholism, they think of someone who is what I would classify as a chronic drinker. Someone who's drinking a bottle of vodka a day or that kind of level.

Um, most people that I speak to, they, they're not strategic Scottish word. Cool.

Um, that they're not staggering around the place. It might come. Um, they coming home, having a bottle in lunch and a glass of wine, the full meal and having a glass of wine with a meal and then finishing off with what the lecture on at night, but they're doing it on a day to day basis. But the main crux, every single one of them was telling me is.

But I'm not in control. I just could quite easily turn into two or three bottles. Um, and the whole life and the whole thinking and the whole structure to what we're doing on a day to day basis. Um, they're going up to work. I've got to get to the supermarket before it was kind of clocked here in stockings.

Um, I've got to get to the supermarket in time of put a whole day on. The whole routine was, are structured around when can I get my drunk? When come, when can a bargain one. Um, and I've been from just a few months, but the main thing as well that we're saying is that we all know bumps and. For the control of how much they drink doesn't work anymore. I suppose the main thing that I'm hearing as well. 

Linda Elsegood: Hmm. Um, and what about binge drinking? I mean, we used to hear a lot about binge drinking a few years ago where youngsters would not drink during the week, but then just drink as though it's going out of fashion at the weekends.

Bruce Rose: Yup. Yeah. I mean, just, you know, I've worked with youngsters who think that by doing that, because they don't drink during the week, they're not going to become addicted. Yeah. Yup.

There are two different ways of getting to that level where some people will start out just by doing their own drinking during the week and then they'll binge at the weekend. And then what then happens is they binge on a Friday, Saturday, and then the, which then turns into Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and then it's Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and then it breaks pathway.

What happens quite often we'd see it with guys in the rehab centres. They would come in, they'd go for periods of absence, like whatever, a month or two months or three months, they'd hold steady. We reached a stage of addiction with, with the alcohol. So then what they'd do is they would stop drinking. They would have a month off.

Drink or two months or three months. Um, but then what, uh, what's actually been called the alcohol deprivation principle kicks in. So the lumber, they off the drink, the more the cruising boats and boats and boats, and I'm essential, they'd give them to it. They have one drink. Um, the, such a big reward. Then, the declaration transport has built what people then wash them, couldn't get a high on metal than when they did before.

It only just attends to build and build and build. So they were drinking probably when people are young, when they just, they go out on a Friday night. And, um, that's how it comes to start. Um, but once people are established drinkers, uh, if you're an established junk and you're drinking a lot, you hear a lot about dry January and things like that, but there'll be different schools of thought in it. But from the people I've worked with, um, it's not a good concept because the craving builds and builds, builds, all the way to January, and then at the end of the month, if I had not drunk all January, twice as much weekend the first weekend, and then they go off drunk crunching much, so they stopped for another one.

But then what you're doing is you're creating a binge drinker, which is actually worse, your system. Mm. It's trying to get people to reduce the and then just try and spread it out a little bit rather than just a big bind of alcohol and system. I mean, nothing. Again,

And I'm sure a lot of our listeners have children or grandchildren. And the worry is that when they are not school children anymore, you know, or even some school children, unfortunately, experiment with alcohol. What can we do this, like he was saying, buying alcohol from supermarkets? It's so easy to get alcohol.

I mean, on cigarettes there are warnings. There is nothing on alcohol and it's relatively easy to get hold of. Many children find where the parents keep their alcohol. What can we do to try and keep our children safe from becoming addicted to alcohol? I asked about 40 of them. One of the hardest questions that are a little bit like cigarettes or I don't know, 20 years ago, 25 years, um, was a lot of education that's needed with children need to be taught.

And made aware of the dangers of alcohol, but when you've then got the other side of it where it's so socially acceptable, what the parents are contained in the friends and families and everybody's drinking. So the kids are all looking at the pants and the door and the adults. Can we go? Um, so I said, I personally think it needs a huge intervention as we did with the cigarettes where they very slowly stopped to reduce the TV spot. Um. 

We, everywhere in the workplace, we're starting to notice there's a lot more, um, drink awareness campaigns that have gone into workplaces to speak to people. Um, it's just the stop. It doesn't stop the problem, but it's, it's, it's growing and it's actually making the start and making people aware of how much they're drinking and what sports being does and what's not doing.

Cause, um, I don't want to take the social away from it. There was a. What social sites, but it was actually very dangerous on Twitter. I must admit, when we go out, my husband will have a bottle of, um, alcohol-free beer. He says it tastes as good and it doesn't give him a headache. Um, he has, uh, a beer probably once a month or something, but he does like this zero alcohol beer.

But that's the other thing, isn't it? Is peer pressure. If you are out with friends and they're all drinking beer, you probably feel uncomfortable drinking a Coke or something. Yeah. But if you can have an alcohol free beer, that might be the way to go. Do you think, and um, do they have alcohol free wine? I think they have types of, um, wine without alcohol.

I mean, do you think bringing those kinds of products to the market will help with the problem? Yeah, absolutely. Because it's, uh, it's just another one of these RESILIA there's, I think in Sculpin that they've introduced, uh. They increase the price of some of the cheaper alcohols that you can buy in the supermarket and in the shops.

So a lot of people are saying, well, it's not solving the problem, but most people are expecting that one issue to solve the whole frame. But I think it's just, it's a much bigger picture, so that needs to be a lot more alcohol-free. On the market and bars and pubs and places where people can go and have enough to hold drug and alcohol-free term, um, as well as looking career stuff as well as, uh, education for children as well as, um, I was, I was looking at some cities this morning and it was just, it was showing that um.

I caught onto the dates, but in years ago, most of the drinking was done in pubs, and most of the drinking was done with others. Nowadays, the majority of Trenton was actually done at home, and it's one, so the whole culture has changed. Um, so we need to target the numbers of the number of women that I'm speaking to at the moment. You were saying that it's so socially acceptable amongst their friends and, um, just to go around to the house and, and open up a better wine. And, um, whereas if you go around and have four or five cans of beer, and if the MailChimp's slightly frowned upon.

Hmm. So it's just, again, it's just another cultural thing. What needs to be changed. And of course, they had, um, when my children were younger, these are. I will call pop drinks. Yeah. I mean, where you would think it was a soft drink. Dick was got fought coronial something, but going out with friends and having a good time and laughing and joking, you don't need the alcohol to be able to do that.

You can still have a good time without it. So I think if. I mean, would you say youngsters are more aware now than they were? I mean, what age group would you say of the biggest drinkers? I would say I would, um, in the field when I was in it and hadn't been central about the scoping for awhile. Um, and things are very, very distant.

Gotcha. From 35 years upwards. So 35 years up with was all alcohol. Um, actually when you spoke to that 55 years and plus that uncomfortable, um, I'm under 35 now. I'm slightly different up here in the Highlands. That can come on to that in a second, but I would say the most of the rest of Scotland, um, under 35 is.

So the drug area, it's hitting the drug sector, the real epidemic amongst the young ones at the moment. Um, the up here in the Highlands, there's such a drinking culture up here that you find the under 35-year-olds drink, um, took drugs, but cocaine, um, was a horse tranquillizer called ketamine that's on the market at the moment.

Um, that's very common amongst children. Um, so it's, it's difficult, they still there. Then the the drug side of things is, it's become huge amongst them. And that's the next area we want to watch out for. Scary, isn't it? But you were saying about charts and graphs and things. Um, Dr Jill Cottel. Um, did a very good presentation on, um, LDN.

Oh, Oh, Naltrexone for alcohol use disorder, and you can watch that video. She did it for, um, our 2017 conference. If you go to our YouTube channel and put Dr Jill Cottel, alcohol use disorder, you'll find it. It's also on our YouTube channel. And Dr. Cottel also got us to add extra things to the LDN app to be able to monitor patients.  That we're taking for alcohol use disorder. So it's free. The app is free. Um, if you go to LDNapp.org you'd be able to download that and you can put in there your alcohol intake, and then you can print out graphs and charts. So once you've got the app, which can be used on an iPhone and Android, PC or Mac and whichever device you log into, they sync automatically.

So you only have to go in it and put how many units or what. However you measure your alcohol in there, and it does wonderful things. It shows you over a period of time. So if anybody's interested in that, it's free and you can download that from LDN. I guess I'm just on that as well. It's, it's amazing the motivation and encouragement it gives people just to see, um,  how much they drink on a weekly basis.

So just to see that on paper, on a cross, on some form format is great. And then to see it reduced as well is a very, very good.

Like you say, it boosts your confidence that you're actually doing something and it's that feel-good factor, isn't it, that you know on making a change. But I'm afraid we've run out of time. But I would say it's been amazing talking to you, and I'm sure, I'm sure people will have learned a lot, even though, as I say, it wasn't low dose naltrexone, but it is something where I'm sure everybody has been touched by somebody who may have alcohol issues.

Linda Elsegood: So really, thank you very much for being my guest today. Bruce. No. Thank you. I really, really appreciate that. Thank you. This show is sponsored by Alcohol Recovery Scotland, helping individuals break free from alcohol addiction using the Sinclair Method TSM in Scotland. Contact them through their website at www.alcoholrecoveryScotland.co.uk.

Any questions or comments you may have, please email me at contact@ldnresearchtrust.org. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Dawn Ipsen, PharmD - 4th Dec 2019 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: Today I'd like to welcome my guest pharmacist, Dr Dawn Ipsen, who is not only the owner of one compounding pharmacy but two confounding pharmacies in Washington State.  Thank you for joining me today, Dawn.

Dawn Ipsen: [00:01:35] Well, thank you Linda so much for having me. It's an absolute pleasure.

Linda Elsegood: [00:01:39] Great. So tell us, we're all interested. What made you decide you wanted to be a pharmacist?

Dawn Ipsen: [00:01:47] Oh, yes. So I knew at a, pretty early on that I wanted to be in healthcare on some aspect and pharmacy was very intriguing to me and started on that path and lucky for me, I got an opportunity to be a compounding pharmacy intern while I was in pharmacy school in a compounding pharmacy and immediately fell in love.

And so that was my path. I loved how personalized it was, how unique it was, how I was doing things that none of my classmates and colleagues was doing and so that started my journey. This was in the Seattle area. I went to the University of Washington School of pharmacy, and it was almost 20 years ago now and got my doctor and pharmacy degree there, and I've enjoyed it thoroughly.

Linda Elsegood: [00:02:43] So how did you get from pharmacy school to owning to compounding pharmacies?

Dawn Ipsen: [00:02:50] So I've always been an entrepreneur and really loved business sides of things and kind of had this long term goal that someday I was going to own a pharmacy and it definitely happened earlier in my career than I expected.

I had been working for the Kusler's family at Kusler's compounding pharmacy and had always told them: "When you're ready to do something else, keep me in mind." And got that call. Became owner of Kusler's compounding pharmacy. And  Linda, that was almost six years ago now and was just minding my own business, running my pharmacy, helping my community, doing great work.

And a couple of years into that, I received a call from another owner, the owner of Clark's compounding pharmacy in Bellevue, and he was looking for a buyer. He wanted to retire and he'd done his research and determined that he thought I would be a good fit, that I did the kind of pharmacy work that he liked to do, and I help people the way that he felt was the best way.

And so I've owned now Clark's compounding pharmacy in Bellevue, Washington for three years and even the pharmacies are only 25 miles apart. They kind of do similar, but yet different things or both, compounding, online pharmacies, Sterile. Kusler's does contract with some insurance plans, so we do help patients with that.

And Clark's is licensed in nine states, so we work with patients and not only Washington state, but Oregon, Idaho,  Arizona and Nevada. And we have Colorado and a couple of other States as well. So that's been really wonderful, great, fun and challenging. And it's just really neat that I get to use my really strong chemistry and biology background and help people really solve medication problems, for people and pets.

We helped the whole family. So that's intriguing and fun.

Linda Elsegood: [00:04:59] Wow. We never know.  It is been three years. You might get another phone call from another pharmacy.

Dawn Ipsen: [00:05:07] You never know. However, my staff might call crazy people if I do that, but no, I enjoy it, and I love the challenge and I think that it's something that, we're really successful at. We pride ourselves in the quality and in our teamwork and how we take care of patients and that we treat our patients like their family, and how we would want our family to be treated and very personalized with that care.

Linda Elsegood: [00:05:36] So with all your compounding, what forms do you compound LDN into?

Dawn Ipsen: [00:05:44]  So Low Dose Naltrexone is expanding. Actually had been working with Odell style Trek zone for roughly 10 years now, and kind of decided to become a state expert Low Dose Naltrexone about five years ago. And back then it was very primarily capsules only, and that's what we saw and actually five, 10 years ago it was even the doses were very structured at certain doses, not a lot of variability to it.   And we've learned so much, right?  Over the research and over the years. Now we're doing a much wider array of doses. Everything from ultra-low or micro-dosing for maybe patients who

are on pain therapies already and need some extra help with their immune system to even much higher doses, more frequent doses for mood situations or post-traumatic stress or depression.  And along with that, we're also helping patients who maybe there's an autism spectrum situation going on and they don't want to or aren't willing to take capsules in which we're able to make flavoured liquids and we're able to do now LDN in a transdermal.

And a transdermal is very different than just a topical. This is a cream-based that's very special and it's designed to drive the drug into the body,  but it's a great way to go when you have a patient who won't participate or can't participate in taking an oral medicine. And on top of it, we've started doing a lot of topical LDN treatment for skin conditions specifically for  psoriasis, eczema, things of that nature. So those are primarily the most dosage forms we see. So different ways to do oral, different way to do a transdermal, and then we have the topicals as well.

Linda Elsegood: [00:08:03] If I could just ask you, the topical cream or lotion, what do you call it?

Dawn Ispen: [00:08:11] It's usually a topical cream for the skin dermatology conditions.

Linda Elsegood: [00:08:17] So if you've got eczema or allergies or psoriasis and the other skin conditions like backtracked syndrome, Haley Haley's disease, applying that directly to the skin, what do you see? Does it take away the itchy, flaky redness? What do you see when people use it?

Dawn Ispen: [00:08:45] Definitely, so what we were noticing is, in psoriasis patients that were just on oral low dose naltrexone that they would typically get to effect at some point.  But it took a very, very long time. And it was, as you can imagine, hard for patients to be patient, so to speak, and wait for that. Because I mean, we all know how miserable it is to have skin that's irritated. It's red, it itches, it burns, it stings, all those things. It's very difficult to have any sort of quality of life. So we started doing both. We would help doctors with the normal oral therapies that we would be used to seeing, but then we would start making a customized cream for them, naltrexone being one of the ingredients. And we would put it in a cream base that actually had nutraceutical components to it that would help calm the skin already on its own with no drug in it. So yes, they often risked with the naltrexone and that cream base would find relief of redness and inflammation, and we'd start seeing the healing of autoimmune skin disorders much faster than if they were doing the oral alone.

On top of that, we could work more closely meeting their direct needs. So if it was causing pain, we could add an ingredient to help with that. If it was a histamine reaction, we could add another ingredient to help with that. And so it gave us a lot more flexibility to be very, very specific and customized with the treatment they needed on the skin that was bothering them.

Linda Elsegood: [00:10:31] So my question would be, Dawn. If, for example, 3 mg, the highest dose that you could tolerate orally and you're putting a topical lotion or cream on, does it matter how much naltrexone is in that cream? Does it get absorbed into the system? How does it work? Do you see what I'm saying? If three is all you can take and you've got three in the cream, does it matter?

Dawn Ispen: [00:11:03] Well, it depends. So if we are doing the topical cream base, there's a slim chance you could have some added absorption, but then we may want to go back and talk about what does it mean they couldn't tolerate more than three? Was it directly affecting their stomach and they were having nausea or cramps or something like that?

Or was it affecting sleep or why was it three their oral stealing number, right?  So when we go topical or even transdermal, a lot of times we can go higher than one would have thought than they could do orally and still avoid the side effects because they're avoiding that, what we call it in pharmacy, the first-pass effect. When a drug is swallowed it goes to the stomach and then it goes to the liver, and that's sometimes the portion of the system that's causing the side effect. And if we're avoiding that, we can get away with that. The other thing is that, given in these dermatology conditions, if we're doing Naltrexone  and it is just topical, we're not getting the systemic absorption that we would be getting in oral or transdermal delivery.

So in that sense, the amount probably doesn't quite matter, but also the amount of drug that's in that cream, they could put quite a bit on and not be getting a significant dose directly into the bloodstream. 

Linda Elsegood: [00:12:34] okay. And then would it be exactly the same as oral LDN and that if it kicks into the bloodstream, it would be the, and then go quite quickly.

Dawn Ispen: [00:12:44] Righ, so if it did go into the bloodstream or it was a transdermal delivery, what was driven in intentionally, you would expect to get the same effect as if they were on oral. You may avoid side effects of the stomach directly because again, you're not putting that drug directly in their stomach, and that can be helpful for some patients for sure.

Linda Elsegood: [00:13:09] okay. Now, patient feedback. What has been the outcomes of your patients taking LDN?

Dawn Ispen: [00:13:21] The feedback has been very, very positive. It definitely seems to be a drug that Is extremely safely tolerated with very few side effects, if any, and if there are side effects, they're typically dose-related and things that can be managed by proper titrations and proper dosing.

The benefit can be anywhere from subtle improvement to very profound improvement with a huge direct link to a much better quality of life. Even on my more subtle improved patients, they often find that their improvement was way more than they anticipated because they'll sometimes take a vacation or a holiday from LDN and realized symptoms are coming back.

They are not feeling as good,  more fatigued, on and on. And then when they restart low dose naltrexone they can then more clearly see how much benefit it was providing to them.

Linda Elsegood: [00:14:23] And what conditions would you say patients are taking LDN for? Do you know that?

Dawn Ispen: [00:14:30] Yeah. I often do know that. Of course, we have our longterm patients that have been on it for five, even five-plus years at this point that had the Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn's disease, of course. We're seeing even more though conditions that are just in general inflammation-based and in which we're trying to control the body's autoimmune system. So Hashimoto's and Graves', Lyme disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis. We have patients that are using it, as I mentioned, for psoriasis specifically. And then, more recently in the last couple of years, we're seeing patients who do have post-traumatic stress disorder or depression that is been not responding to normal therapies and even cancer conditions that have been very helped by low dose naltrexone.

Linda Elsegood: [00:15:30] So do any of your doctors around your area prescribe LDN for infertility issues?

Dawn Ispen: [00:15:41] We don't have too many in our area that is doing naltrexone for infertility. However. there ts definitely known, it's definitely talked about. There's pretty good literature on its use  and it just might be that I'm not right next to where the infertility clinics are that are working with that.

Linda Elsegood: [00:16:09] What about mental health issues?

Dawn Ispen: [00:16:13] Yes, we definitely have doctors who are using this for mental health issues and are really trying great because they're trying to bring to light the whole topic of mental health and how important it is. And they become so much more open to other ways of thinking, other treatments, other modalities for these patients. So we're seeing things like the use of ketamine for depression. We're seeing the naltrexone being used for depression and PTSD. And I mean, I can honestly say that had patients who had been very concerned about their wellbeing and that once they work with these types of providers, down the road, their quality is just so much better and they're doing great with it.

Linda Elsegood: [00:17:02]  And of course, so many mental health issues with antidepressants, etc can make people feel a bit sluggish, drowsy whether naltrexone actually makes you feel brighter and better, and it's not addictive either.

Dawn Ispen: [00:17:24] Right. You get that endorphin release, which is so important to our wellbeing and how we feel in our motivation and our willingness and desire to interact with others in our community and those are all such important things for being part of this world.

Linda Elsegood: [00:17:45] Do you have any patient case studies you could share with us?

Dawn Ispen: [00:17:49] I'm sure. A couple of my favourites is one, she's a younger patient. Actually, she's only in her 20s, and she comes into the pharmacy and she's been coming in a long time getting naltrexone. At this point, it's usually just a quick pickup: " Hey, how are you?" And out the door, we go. And I was at the counter with her and I literally had to stop and scratch my head and I couldn't.  She looked just so great, so normal, so just young and vibrant. And I honestly couldn't remember why she even has started low dose naltrexone. And so I asked her. I was like, can you remind me why do you take the naltrexone?

What is it doing for you? And, and she's actually multiple sclerosis patients, which we actually have a lot of in Washington state because where we're located in our sunlight exposure and vitamin D levels and all that. And it has hot her completely in remission with her vitamin D and other things she's doing as well.

But she looks just so normal.  Is the only way I can describe it. And how cool is that? They here we have a twenty-something who, who is able to be a vibrant member of the community and have a well-rounded life and do what she wants to do. So she's one of my favourites because thank goodness you're staying on it to help slow any progression of the disease process that might occur later on.

And then I do have one psoriasis patient that I've ever seen psoriasis-like this before. She actually had it even on the back of her calves, which is an unusual location. And started naltrexone. Did that for about a month, just the naltrexone orally itself. And then when we added in the cream.

And when she would come back for refills, I just couldn't get over it, how fast it was healing and we marked it.  I actually took pictures of when she first picked up and then when she came in for refills and then now there's nothing left. So it's been really awesome to see somebody who had been dealing with this for most of her life, who now is doing great, well-controlled.

Her immune system is just functioning properly.

Linda Elsegood: [00:20:05] How long did that take before her skin looked normal again?

Dawn Ispen: [00:20:12] Yeah. So skin is always slow. I mean, that's with patience is a virtue. It's on any skin condition as you have to allow for the full all derm cycle, which usually is right about six weeks on average.

And so, you start in with treatment knew at the beginning or just trying to get the treatments on board and help with any symptom relief they might need. And then usually, like in this particular case, it was really about at the three-month mark that she was coming in happy that the condition was starting to reverse and go back to how the skin was supposed to be.

And then of course for full healing, it's another month or two after that. And then he'd go into maintenance mode at that point.

Linda Elsegood: [00:21:00] Well, that's amazing, isn't it? I mean, psoriasis, if you have it, and I know somebody with psoriasis, how embarrassing it is. People look at you when it's really bad. I'm not comfortable either, is it? So something that can heal and clear that up It's amazing.

Dawn Ispen: [00:21:26] Yeah, it's wonderful because it can be, like you said, not only visibly unappealing and they will often try to hide it if they can with clothing and coverage, but it hurts, it clot cracks, it bleeds, it burns, it itches.

It's just horribly uncomfortable and unrelenting, you know, it doesn't just stop. It continues.

Linda Elsegood: [00:21:50]  Do you have many children as patients?

Dawn Ispen: [00:21:53] We do. We actually work with some doctors who are very in touch with the pediatric population and that's their speciality. And they use naltrexone usually in the kids that they have some sort of a spectrum disorder where they're noncommunicative and they aren't interacting as we hoped they would be able to.

They're a great population to work with and that's where we get to become very creative and work really closely with the family itself on determining how does this child want to receive its medication and is it as simple as custom dosing and maybe they want the capsule a certain colour because it might be more appealing visually to them. Fine, perfectly great with that. Or do they need a liquid and do they want it to be flavoured a certain way or do they need a lozenge? And then for the most difficult of patients, we can do the transdermal cream delivery that I even have a couple of families that they actually apply it to the child's back, back skin area at night when the child is sleeping. So they can receive their dose that way. 

Linda Elsegood: [00:23:25] Wow. So what else do you know about LDN that you haven't shared with us?

Dawn Ispen: [00:23:35] With LDN there are lots of things can augment the therapy of LDN and getting the most out of it. And it's really looking at the patient at a whole and trying to discover what ways can we reduce inflammation load in that patient's body along with optimizing the dosage form and the regimen, the strength and the timing, it should be taken.

 I do work a lot on talking with patients about the importance, especially in Washington,  of vitamin D,  the importance of good gut health and probiotics. We're working more with patients on using full-spectrum C-- to help with pain and anxiety as well,  antioxidants and organic diet and how important all of these things are to get inflammation loads down, to get the best effect out of it.

Linda Elsegood: [00:24:32] Yes. Diet is a big one, isn't it? People do notice a big difference by changing their diet.

Dawn Ispen: [00:24:42] Diet is so huge, and you know, us living in a suburban area, gardening and farming is not simple, right? And our seasons make that challenging too, and just really encouraging our community to buy from the farmer's market get organic as much as you can, grow your food when you can yourself and just eat well, take care of your body, you're worth it. You know? It's like you are worth the extra effort in doing that.

Linda Elsegood: [00:25:14] And sugar is another big thing, isn't it? If you can't cut it out, at least cut it down.

Dawn Ispen: [00:25:21]  Right, and look for good alternatives that are natural and if you do have to have that sweet because, you're right, it's in everything and it's hidden often it's hard to even know it's there.

Linda Elsegood: [00:25:36] It surprises me when you look at a tin food.  Dugar is in pipe beans, it's in..Just trying to think of something else. It's gone. Slipped my mind. But...

Dawn Ispen: [00:25:52] Ketchup, salad dressings.

Linda Elsegood: [00:25:55] Exactly. Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. It's not easy, but it's, it's similar if you're buying foods and you read the labels, gluten is in so many things.

Dawn Ispen: [00:26:13] Absolutely.

Linda Elsegood: [00:26:14] I mean, when I first started to be gluten-free, it took me ages to do my shopping because I was looking at everything and trying very hard not to get anything with gluten in it.

But it becomes easier because you know which things you can have and which things you can't have. Once you've gone through reading everything, it does become easier and you do find alternative things. I use honey as a sweetener and I use coconut sugar but it's brown colour so I can still make cakes and waffles occasionally, but there isn't a different colour but if you close your eyes you don't know, you can't see that it's a different colour. You can be creative. It's very expensive to eat organic here, and I should think it's pretty similar in the US isn't it?

Dawn Ispen: [00:27:18] It is. It definitely can be challenging to be able to do that and hard for some families to make that happen. And I always like to refer to the dirty dozen as they call it, of if you really have to pick and choose which product is most important to purchasing, organic versus maybe you could save the finances on something else.  That's at a nice way to integrate or ended up the pathway. Lucky for us in our area, at least, we do have a substantial number of farmer's markets that are all close by and available different days of the week but that can be an option for patients that are really trying to do those things, but maybe not able to get it from the grocery store all the time.

Linda Elsegood: [00:28:16] And the thing is, with organic food, it doesn't last as long as a non-organic without us being sprayed with things to keep it fresh longer.

Dawn Ispen: [00:28:28] And it sometimes doesn't look as pretty, does it either? There are more bruises and changes in how it grows and things like that.

But it's funny how our minds have that used to be the normal, right? That produce always looked like that. And then we've changed to think that that product should look perfect in every instance and that's not necessarily the case. It comes back to what you're saying with the sugar.

Linda Elsegood: [00:28:59] We have a supermarket here that sells half-price vegetables from the supplier, and they're all packaged and they're called wonky vegetables. So the carrots, parsnips, that probably got deformed but they're perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with them. It's just as they call them wonky,  they're not perfect and I think that's great.

Linda Elsegood: [00:29:34] We've come to the end of the show so we could have carried on talking for ages. We'll have you back again another time and until then, stay well and we will speak to you again soon.

Dawn Ispen: [00:29:48] Wonderful. Thank you. Have a great day.

Linda Elsegood: [00:29:50] Thank you. Bye-bye. This show is sponsored by Kusler's compounding pharmacy and Clark's compounding pharmacy. They are more than a drug store. They are highly trained, compounding pharmacy experts, combining the art and science of preparing personalized medications to meet your specific needs, improving lives by solving medication problems for people and pets, creating solutions to medication challenges.

Visit www.kuslerspharmacy.net

Any questions or comments you may have, please email us at Contact@ldnresearchtrust.org.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Shivinder Deol, MD - 27th Nov 2019 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: Today, my guest is Dr Shivinder Deol, who's an MD, certified in family medicine and anti-ageing and regenerative medicine. Dr Deol has served at Bakersfield, California community as medical director of the anti-ageing and wellness centre for over 35 years. He specializes in integrative preventative and family medicine as a primary care provider.

Thank you for joining us today, Dr Deol.

Shivinder Deol: Thank you for having me. 

Linda Elsegood: So could you give us your background? Where did you train?

Shivinder Deol: Sure. I studied in a private school in India, one of the top leading medical schools for some medical college. Graduated from there in 1975 and then I came. I did a course a year off a residency in India, and then I came and joined a University of Tennessee, Memphis and did my training in medicine, psychiatry, and family practice.

And then, I've been in practice, since 1982 in Bakersfield, California. I've taken extensive courses in regenerative medicine and anti-ageing. So my training, even though it was initially more family practice, and I'm board-certified three times and family medicine, but my interest went towards more integrative medicine and functional medicine. For the last 15, 20 years I've been doing more of that. 

Linda Elsegood: When did you know you wanted to get into medicine? Were you very young?

Shivinder Deol: No, I wanted to be an army man. My family is a strong army. But my mother wanted someone to be a doctor. So my older sister, then my brother, passed out and did not go into medicine. So my mom said:" You got to do it." And I said: "okay". I got into medicine, but I'm so glad I did because I think it was my calling and I really had an incredible journey.

You know helping people, learning and growing myself with medicine.  

Linda Elsegood: I mean, things have changed, haven't they? I mean, you must have seen it from when you first qualified. What was it? 1975 where you went to the doctors, you told the doctor what was wrong and they, I remember it well.

I got married in 76 that people had their symptoms treated. But they never actually had the root cause treated in those days, which then eliminated the need to treat the symptoms. So, you know, what is it you actually do in your practice? If a patient came to see you with complicated symptoms, why would you start?

Shivinder Deol: You know, we would just, you know, and it was a great business for physicians and all patients came in, they got better and it was just an ongoing process, drug after drug after drug, and then treating.

So no one really was treating the whole body or looking at the real cause of a disease. It was taking care of symptoms now and we'll worry about the things later. 

Linda Elsegood: Yes. So what do you do now? 

Shivinder Deol: Now my focus is changed more.  When a patient comes in, my focus is more nutritional based, first and foremost supposed thing I'm really interested in finding. So this to me, the most important thing anybody can do is improve their nutritional status because a body is constantly working and regenerating itself.

So we estimate we have close to 30 trillion cells, but out of that, almost 700 billion cells are being built every single day of life. And we have hundreds of nutrients and the food that they're eating, which is processed, and with cold storage and with cooking, microwave, we've destroyed a lot of the nutrients that the body does not get all the raw material it needs for all its needs that all the regenerative and repair needs on a daily basis.

So my focus is nutrition and then I do a lot of things with detoxification, removing chemicals, toxins, poisons, reducing inflammation in the body through Iv therapies, chelation, all kinds of different things, hyperbaric. And then we do more stuff at balancing hormones and neurotransmitters to optimize health, brain health, heart health, and overall, you know, endocrine help.

So we do a variety of things to help the body improve rather than just fixing. A sore throat, some,  my aim is if I can prevent a single heart attack, a single stroke, single cancer, we do a lot of protection for breast cancer, for instance. So, basically, if we can reduce any of these massive major diseases, it's far better than, you know, treating the simple sore throats and colds and allergies that most people will have, but they don't really affect on lifespan with these scans.

Linda Elsegood: Okay. What kind of testing do you do when you're probing the patient to find out the wrinkles? 

Shivinder Deol: Yeah. So basically, you know, the insurance companies, of course, we are all kind of stuck with insurance companies to some degree. So the standard blood work that insurance companies cover, I do that but for instance, in a standard blood test, a lot of doctors will do as a free T4 and a TSH. But the key hormone and thyroid, for instance, is there a free T3 which is the active hormone and not T4. So unless we look at three-T3   and reverse T3, you really know what the thyroid function is.

So I look at more in the functional way of looking at health and so we do a lot of hormone testing, but the best way to test hormones are either through a saliva test or a comprehensive urine analysis. And typically insurances don't cover that. We do testing for heavy metals and for chemical toxicities.

So there's a really nice chemical toxicity test that looks at literally hundreds, if not thousands of different chemicals that we have been exposed to. We do food allergy testing, again, not the one that's covered by insurances, which is an immediate food has to be, but more a delayed food sensitivity test.

We look at a comprehensive digestive stool analysis. Look at gut health, gut inflammation, and see if there's an imbalance between the good and the bad bacteria in the gut. So a variety of other specialized tests that we do that can look at the body in a more natural matter. So trying to hit the cause rather than just the symptoms or repair.

Linda Elsegood: And you mentioned hyperbaric oxygen there. For people that are not familiar with hyperbaric oxygen, could you tell us what it is and how it works and what results you have seen?

Shivinder Deol: Sure. So hyperbaric oxygen is basically,  you're in a large chamber, which we are pumping in oxygen under pressure and under the, if you have some, some people remember the physics, the Boyle's law.

They've been, we put pressure, any of the gases are absorbed deeper and greater into the tissues. So when we pump in the oxygen, it goes into every joint, every fluid in the body, including the spinal CSF (cerebral spinal fluid). And so this increase oxygenation. It helps you the healing process in the body.

So if you can put oxygen into any tissues, the body starts to repair process and also discourages cancers, infections of all kinds of any chronic diseases. If we can put the oxygen, the body will start the repair process and use, any of the toxic effects off infections or, other pathologies.

So it's a great way to treat strokes or heart disease or traumatic brain disease, injuries of any kind, surgeries of any kind. So, for any surgery, if you were to get a hyperbaric treatment one before and two or three treatments after surgery, you cut down healing time in half, you cut complications in half.

So it's a very nice way to help repair the body. Also, injuries of all kinds, helps repair, very, very nice treatment, and very safe. I've been offering that for over 20 years. 

Linda Elsegood: Is it covered by insurance in the US?

Shivinder Deol: Unfortunately not. There only seven indication for which a Medicare will pay for and things like diabetic ulcer are non-healing ulcers, but you know, severe diseases they are willing to pay.  For minor issues, you know, they will not pay.

So it is typically a cash payment.

Linda : Elsegood: Is it very expensive?

It depends. So in our office, we charge to believe by the $150 to $200. There are some places, where they are in the three, $400 range. And some places, if they are using a smaller chamber, low pressure, they even offer it for like $125 a soul. But if you use a high-pressure chamber, you know, it's going to be about 150, $200, at least, if not more.

Linda Elsegood: Hmm. It's that for an hour?

Shivinder Deol: That's for an hour. But by the time you get in and out, it's going to almost be an hour and a half. So it takes about 10 minutes To get the pressure optimized in by us, then to brings the pressure down. So it's almost like an hour and a half a treatment. 

Linda Elsegood: I actually had hyperbaric oxygen when I was first diagnosed but it took me about an hour to get there and an hour to get back. It was very, very tiring because fatigue was bad. But I have claustrophobia and I was not really thinking about it, but it was quite a big tank and I think it sat about eight people. So I sat in this tank and I was thinking how am I going to feel when they close the door?

I'm really nice. And then they came out with these masks you had to put over your face. Oh, that was a testiness itself. But I, I have kind of got used to.

Shivinder Deol: We don't use a mask for this reason because it is so much closing feeling and our chamber has three different windows that you can look throughout.

So yeah, there is some claustrophobia, but it's really not that bad. 

Linda Elsegood: This small porthole but they are up high. So you couldn't actually see out. You could just see the other people who were in there with you for that.  Was quite an experience but unfortunately, it was run by a charity and it closed down many, many years ago now, which is a shame because I think they did some really good work though. So with the testing, one of the things that people quite often ask me about is Candida. Do you do Candida testing? 

Shivinder Deol: Of course, and Candida is almost like cancer. So candida basically get thin, and it's very hard to clear Candida out of the body. So yes, we do quite a bit of testing for candida because I think of candida as a very severe, but just to be insidious, it's very quiet, a low-level infection that can just, go on for years causing a lot of damage. But people not even, sometimes be aware of it, and in the long run, can lead to greater complications in losing potentially cancer.

We made it, we believe that it may be a cause of.

Linda Elsegood: Well, so many people have asked me that they do a saliva spit test in a glass of water or something and I don't know how accurate that is. But people tell me that they try these remedies to get rid of it and they can't, and they've been to doctors and they've still got it. You know, if you have a persistent Candida problem, how do you go about fixing it?

Shivinder Deol: Well,  basically that is several things. But candida loves sugar. In fact, every bad bug cancer loves sugar. So to treat any chronic infection, the first thing you have to do is cut out the sugar, cut out the carbs, and remember all carbohydrates except fiber break down to sugar, all of them. So people will cut out sugar, but they don't reduce the carbohydrates, and it's still on getting sugar in the body.

And as long as you're getting sugar, the candida is going to be almost impossible to kill. So the diet, again, comes in really important on a low carb diet. And then we may want to make the environment on hospitable for candida. So whatever the candida likes, we would cut that.

So keeping the body made more alkaline, keeping the body more oxygenated. So using oxygen and ozone therapies. And really helped clear it up candida. But Candida will generally require a prescription medicine plus several strong probiotics, Saccharomyces, and several antifungal herbal supplements to help fight the candida.

And it's a longterm treatment. It's not a quick course of treatment that'll help clear it. 

Linda Elsegood: Wow. 

Shivinder Deol: It requires a long process treatment. Yeah. 

Linda Elsegood: I didn't realize that it was so difficult to get rid of. 

Shivinder Deol: It is. 

Linda Elsegood: So how long ago was it when you first heard about LDN? 

Shivinder Deol: I think it's been, well, over ten years or even longer than that, that I've been using and that I heard about LDN.

And I think, I'm not sure if I heard it in a conference or if one of my patients came to me originally initially and asked me about it, but I think it was over ten years that I used it and the first patient that I actually use it on happened to have such a dramatic result that kind of opened my eyes.

So this lady had severe Hashimoto's thyroiditis and her tilters were in several. And so we treated her with the LDN plus a few other things, lifestyle changes, iodine, cut out gluten and so on. And her tilters started coming down dramatically, and about a year, year and a half or titers were back to completely normal.

So we had cured her now, Hashimoto's, and this was, I believe, strongly related to the use of LDN. And, so that was a very strong eyeopener for me on this, on LDN and its potential efficacy. And since that time, I've used it on a whole bunch of other patients for a whole variety of other conditions. But fortunately for me, that I had, my first patient responded so well that, it really made me a believer.

Linda Elsegood: You said that you've treated in lots of conditions with LDN. Do you have any other case studies that have been remarkable in your practice? 

Shivinder Deol: Yeah, a few others. So I have a patient with severe ms. Was very fatigued, but she's got severe tremors and she was extremely fatigued, and so I put her on LDN, and within days she could tell the improvement in energy level and the fatigue had improved very, very nicely. But unfortunately, I did not see, or she did not see any improvement in her tremors. But as far as the energy level and a mood, she comes in smiling every time. Poor thing is shaking a lot, but she's smiling. And so it improved certain parts. I had another patient who came to me from New York and stayed with me for one week.

She was on heavy pain medicine, fentanyl and morphine for 30 plus years for back pain. I got her detoxed completely within one week, and I use an IV, NAD, which is an incredible nutrient to help with the detoxification, increasing energy level and then up, put her on LDN. And this lady wrote to me about a couple, three weeks ago saying she felt so wonderful and that she has not had a single pain medicine.

In fact, she said, I don't even take Advil orTylenol but rarely for pain now. And she was really grateful that she had done so well and all for 30 years, her life was all around pain, medicine, pain medicine, and so that was a very nice response. 

Linda Elsegood: Oh, that's amazing because if you're in constant pain the whole time, it must make you feel a little bit irritable and short with people because you have to deal with that level of pain. You can't live your life normally in pain. It's not possible. Is it? 

Shivinder Deol: Right. But see, unfortunately, that reality is, what people don't realize is that acute pain and chronic pain are not the same pain.

And it's a completely different set of effects, a completely different disease, acute pain. So somebody has an acute practice, acute injury, acute surgery, that's a completely different, set of effects in the body versus somebody who's had chronic bad back pain or neck pain or whatever for 10, 20, 30 years.

 There our need for pain medicines are different. They are now just dependent on getting that  pill, of course, rather than the true pain itself. So it's become more of a withdrawal-type pain and not a lot of ease. Opioid receptors are tight, are doubted out, and so the effectiveness goes down.

But when we use something like LDN, we recharge our opioid receptors. We reactivate them. We produce a resounding amount of receptors so that we are having much better, pain relief without the need for any external medicines.  

Linda Elsegood: It always amazes me how such a small amount of naltrexone can actually be more powerful than the fentanyl and morphine.

It's hard to understand.

Shivinder Deol: It really is. But you know,  I'm a true believer of this. The body is a true miracle. And the ability of the body to repair and regenerate itself is just incredible. Our challenges that we have, that our diets are horrible. We are living in a really toxic lifestyle. And then we have all these other stresses that are influencing neuro-transmitters and our chemicals and our hormones.

The body doesn't get the opportunity to repair and regenerate itself. So when the state garbage out of the body on necessity, medicines and toxins out, we balance some of the nutrients. We helped the body produce its own good nutrients and endorphins. The repair process becomes really dramatic and the body can pretty much heal anything.

So I see a lot of miracles, but it's really not a miracle. That's what the body is designed to do is to help. He looks healthy all the time, regardless of what's going on. So we are great healers.  

Linda Elsegood: And you were going to give us another case study before I butted in.

Shivinder Deol: I did not understand. 

Linda Elsegood: You were going to tell us of another case study. Another patient. 

Shivinder Deol: Oh yeah.  A cancer patient. Basically patient comes to me with metastatic cancer. LDN is great in supporting cancer. You can literally help stop cancers from spreading.

So this patient basically the doctors told him that just go home and die and he's a relatively young guy and he doesn't want to die. You know, who does? So he came in, you know extremely tired, extremely tired, and just basically depressed, no energy and kind of giving up. But the wife is wonderful.

Wife is so supportive of him. And so we've started him on a high dose, intravenous vitamin C, 75 grams three times a week. And he started feeling a little bit better. And then I added LDN to his regimen. I've got him on a lot of different things. So put him on a keto diet, very strict Keto diet.

And so we put LDN on, and his mood has improved a lot that he can tell, and he is now able to start to do a few things. So I don't know what the status of the cancer is. It's too early for me to do any scans on him, but I'm certainly hopeful that with his mood outlook, comparing his energy is improving that maybe we're going to get a decent result on his very widespread metastatic cancer.


Linda Elsegood: Well, I believe we've now come to the end of the show, so that has been amazing. When very quickly, would you like to tell patients how they can contact you if they wish to make an appointment? 

Shivinder Deol: Sure. My website is antiagingwellnesscenter.com. 

My email is support@antiagingwellness center.com and, the office phone is 661 325 7452.

Linda Elsegood: And do you have a waiting list? That's the other question.

Shivinder Deol: Do I have, what? 

Linda Elsegood: A waiting list? Do people have to wait to see you? 

Shivinder Deol: No, well we basically work people in. My philosophy always has been that we are in a service industry. We are providing a service. And  in the service industry, if you have, your electricity is gone, and you call the electrician, and he comes a month later, it doesn't work.

Or your car is broken down, you know? So if someone comes in that needs to be seen now, I'll see them the same date. I don't care. They may have to wait a little bit. We may have to work a little harder, but we take care of somebody who needs to be seen when they need to be seen. So I don't keep awaiting this for this reason.

Linda Elsegood: Oh, that's wonderful! Well, once again, thank you very much for having been our guest today, 

Shivinder Deol: Linda. Thank you very much and you take care.

Linda Elsegood: This show is sponsored by Dickson's chemist which are the experts in LDN at associated treatments in the UK. Dickson's chemist, the most cost-effective for LDN in all forms within the UK and Europe maintaining safety standard of what is required. Why would you choose to get your LDN from anywhere else?

Call 01414046545 today to speak to a LDN experts 

Any questions or comments you may have, please email me, Linda@ldnrt.org. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Yusuf Saleeby, MD - 20th Nov 2019 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

I  am Dr. Yusuf Saleeby and practice in the South Eastern coastal United States in South Carolina. We have our main office near Myrtle beach and a second satellite office in Mount pleasant.

We see patients with autoimmune diseases of various types, everything from MS to Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease where Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) can be used

We are prescribing a lot of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). We also have relationships with several compounding pharmacies in the area, both in North and South Carolina.

If somebody comes into a compounding pharmacy seeking out LDN, but does not have a prescriber that is knowledgeable or willing to prescribe, the pharmacist will give them our names and refer them to us.

Lyme disease is a problem in every state of India, every 50 States in the US and internationall in Brazil, Argentina, China, the Netherlands, Germany.

So we are doing diagnosis with the Borrelia as well as the co-infections, like the BCO Bartonella Ehrlichia.

We know very little about good treatments. There's the variety of different protocols for for treating Lyme in the chronic phase. And it's very poorly research. It's very poorly understood, and it's all over the place.

 To protect against tick bites, if you are out in nature, after, you need to do a tick check, a full-body tick check on you. Wear brightly coloured clothing like white as opposed to a dark colour.

If you're walking in high grass pull the socks over the bottoms of your pants. Use natural repellents.

There are also some clothes that are impregnated with Permethrin. You can wear the same garment multiple times, like ten times and wash it, and it still has the active agent within the material.

When you're out in the in the woods, these little critters will crawl up from your shoes to your legs and kind of lodge in your groin area, under the armpit or axilla or back of of the neck and they can feed on you for a couple of hours or even two or three days and then fall off. And you don't realize you've been bitten.

And the heralding sign of a bullseye lesion is only present and about 30% of people who will contract a cute line.

You wouldn't know until maybe months later when you start having symptoms. And it could be a mired of symptoms. A lot of them are confused with other disorders.

A lot of people come in with Ms diagnosis,  with fibromyalgia, people with all kinds of other autoimmune diseases. And when those diseases are identified the workup stops there.

Sometimes medications that are given could be even worse than the disorder itself. But in functional medicine, we obviously go deeper to find the root cause, and sometimes we find that it is a tick-borne illness that's causing these symptoms.

Usually, at that point, it's chronic Lyme disease or late-stage Lyme, which is a totally different animal than an acute line or chew. Lyme is really easy to treat. Sixty days of Doxycycline or  a type of penicillin drug. We'll usually eradicate it, and end of a story that's it is finished. But if it sets in as chronic Lyme, it's really a different way to treat.

And it's really, really difficult to try to get it under control.

LDN does have a place in Lyme disease, and many of my patients will benefit from Low Dose Naltrexone, whether it's for the pain states associated with some of the Borrelia and Bartonella that cause fairly excruciating pain, but also as an immune enhancer because most of the people that are susceptible to the late-stage chronic Lyme disease are folks that have a  out of balance immune system. And LDN is used to put it back into balance.

I had a longstanding 20-year history of ulcerative colitis woman that came to me and within a few days of taking LDN, I get a phone call from her, and she says.

You're not going to believe this, but the bloating and gassy and my intestines and my stomach have improved like 90%.

Her belly is nice and flat. She doesn't complain of all the usual symptoms of IBD, Ulcerative Colitis.

And she's not on any of the other traditional traditionally prescribed medications for Ulcerative Colitis  Irritable Bowel Disease.

We're are seeing a lot of publications in Europe which are proponents of the use of LDN and, Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

She has sensitivity to gluten and wheat,  so if she cheats a little bit on her diet, she'll get more symptomatic. So we encourage her to be more compliant with her diet.

She's been doing that for over a decade anyway. But then with the inflammation implementation of LDN and even one milligram, her symptoms were relieved almost instantaneously.

I was just quite amazing the change in her. She almost looked  like she was four or five months pregnant when she first presented if she was that bloated.

I had a woman with Hashimoto's and  while she was on LDN, her TPO titer started to drop on a steady downward slope. And then when she ran out and was without it for three months or TPO, tighter spiked up again. And she's on a natural desiccated thyroid replacement, and she's doing quite well.

She continues taking it. I usually tell my patients. I said," well,you take it as long as you want to continue feeling well. Now if you decide at some point in the future, after two years, you don't want to feel well, well then stop taking it." And so I think they get the picture.

Or only a few patients I have to take them off  and restart at a lower dose. And sometimes they use very Low Dose Naltrexone just because of some of the symptoms. They may report a GI upset, vivid dreams that are disturbing to them. And then sometimes I switched the dosing from nighttime dosing to daytime knowing that's going to be a little less effective, but at least we're getting it in them and then making dosage adjustments.

Summary from Dr. Yusuf Saleeby LDN Radio Show. Listen to the video for the show.

Dr Lester Lee - 13 November 2019 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood:  Today, my guest is Dr Lester Lee, who's from California.

Thank you for joining me today.  Lester.

Lester Lee:  Thank you very much.  Appreciate being here.  Thank you.

Linda Elsegood:  Can you tell us who you are, what you do, where you're from.

Lester Lee:  Yes.  My name is Lester Lee.  I'm a physician, M.D., in Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, California.

My training in internal medicine is from the University of California, Davis, and fellowship training in sports medicine, as well as functional integrative medicine with additional training.  My practice focuses on functional medicine, people who have hormone replacement deficiencies, as well as autoimmune disorders that are related to the functional integrative component of why they present to the office.

Linda Elsegood:  And when did you first hear about LDN?

Lester Lee:  About 15 years ago piqued my interest.  My background is in pharmacy and with the pharmacy school back in '75 to '78 to PharmD program.  I didn't ever practice pharmacy, but I learned about it at that time.  Of course, a much more an experimental level.  Because that was back, well, in the mid -- the late seventies.

My interest came with working with patients who were not getting a response from their rheumatologists for autoimmune disorders.  Looking further into it and much of the -- some of the European studies, as well as here in the U.S., I think Dr Daria and another individual.  I can't remember all the different researchers' names.

But I started playing in patients who had failed the injectable biologics, who have maybe rotated to different biologics with their rheumatologists because of failure to respond to medication, or they build a tolerance.

So my thought was:  What the heck?  These individuals are very desperate.  They're in pain, they're tired, they're sick and tired, and they are -- the quality of life is just extremely poor.

So the Low Dose Naltrexone, I thought, why not?  It's worth a try.  And I was getting fabulous results with a limited number of patients originally a number of years ago.

The practice has a number or a fair number over the last ten years who I do place, which are appropriate candidates on the LDN.  And the doses range from one-and-a-half to an, oh, even seven milligrams.

So my experience came as a result of frustrated patients spending a lot of money here in the States, especially if their insurance companies do not cover that biologic item that the rheumatologists chose or oncologist.

Then I said, you know what?  This is pretty expensive.  The difficulty is -- is fine.  I am finding a reliable, consistent company pharmacy to make Naltrexone one-and-a-half, three, four-and-a-half, seven, what have you, milligram capsules.

And I was fortunate to find a pharmacy called Blue Coast Pharmacy right here in Orange County in Huntington Beach, as a matter of fact.

And they do an excellent job, and they mail a medication anywhere in the United States for no additional cost, and it's very fairly inexpensive, too.

Linda Elsegood:  So you mentioned hormone replacement, and you mentioned oncology there.  What other patients, you know, do you treat?  What conditions rather, that the patients present with?

Lester Lee:  The focus of my practice and reputation is hormone replacement therapy.  I introduced it to Orange County back in '85, when I started practising private medicine.  And a number of the patients -- again, conventional medicine is disease-oriented.  My practice is proactive.  A functional -- as I said, the individual has blood pressure or weight issues, diabetes.

We try to work with the causation of those rather than just giving them commercialized medicine to control the blood pressure, to control diabetes, the sugar.

Along with those maladies, of course, comes the coronary artery disease, excuse me.  And the quality of life issues, the weight gain, the cognition, memory.  They all send tend to diminish or decay depending on the individual as they mature.

So my patients find their way here because again, they've been frustrated with conventional medicine of treatment.  Both 50/50, men and women, in terms of the patients that we see here.  The practice is, of course, focused on hormone replacement optimization.  Women:  Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, pregnenolone, thyroid, adrenal support, growth hormone.  Even depending on which deficiencies and presentation symptoms depend on which protocols that I would place them on men similarly, but not quite as many different hormones.

Along with that, we also find that a fair number of people who had been to their primary carers, conventional medicine were told her thyroid was normal.  Well, if it wasn't adequately evaluated, completely a free T3, free T4, besides the TSH, reverse T3, an iodine level, a little more complete study of their thyroid.

We find out that they are clinically low in thyroid, and symptomatically low.  We placed them on compounded thyroid, sometimes T4, T3 combination, and they get remarkable results like the lights were turned on.  The cognition, the memory clears up within two or three weeks, sometimes even a shorter period of time.  The weight starts coming off, the vitality comes back, the belly fat starts decreasing.  Motivation is increased.

Similarly, with cortisol support, if we replace the cortisol because of chronic stress, your physical, psycho-emotional, and their adrenals start becoming depleted, we give him plant-based adaptogens.  Sometimes all they need to help with cortisol support during the day when it's highest, and then when they need it.

And again, the fatigue issues resolve fairly rapidly within the first two weeks, a lot of times.  And of course, cortisol adequacy is needed for the optimization of thyroid support, conversion of T4 to T3, the active form of thyroid T3 with three IDI molecules.  And most physicians in conventional medicine don't address that.

If you look like you're in the normal range, which is a wide range thyroid, you're normal.  And cortisol, they really don't address that very much.  Myself being a past '88-'92 Olympic team position for U.S. track and field, there are a fair number of athletes, intense training athletes who are clinical adrenal insufficiency and thyroid insufficient.

Remarkably, again, you place these individuals, optimize those glandular products.  Well, they remarkably do well in their performance, the training, motivation, peaking at their -- their goals.  So the hormone part is just part of the practice.

Heavy metal evaluations, detoxifications, neurotransmitters from the brain, salivary cortisol testing, organic acid testing So it's not just the hormones.

But when a patient comes in, male or female, of course, we addressed looking at the symptoms that helped me determine where the problem is it coming from the hormones, thyroids, the adrenals?  Is it coming from some kind of toxicity, environmental, chemical, no chemical toxicity?

So the whole picture is, is it autoimmune?  So that's part of it.

And synergistically, if we work with, say, the autoimmune component, let's say the LDN component, and we complement, optimize the other aspects of the thyroid, adrenals, transmitters in our brain for cognition, mood, mood swings, these individuals are remarkable.  Have a turnaround, a new lease on life, the best way to describe it.

Linda Elsegood:  Well, I'm surprised when you said your practice was 50/50.  It would seem to be the people that I speak to, women have more issues than men with autoimmune conditions.  So it's quite good that the men must be speaking up in your area and seeking health, which is a good thing.

When you start people on LDN into the protocol that you do for people that have an issue with the thyroid, do you pay particular attention?  Do you find that they then have to take less of the thyroid medication?

Lester Lee:  That's a very good question.  No, that was one of my observations10, 12 years ago.  An individual's positive thyroid antibodies, let's say their Hashimoto's, they're inflamed.

They're chronically inflamed.  We're trying to modulate the inflammatory process placing them on LDN after a couple, three months.  I do notice that they respond much more positively up, like, almost as like a positive modulation of the thyroid medication in terms of the dosage of their fair number.

Yes, we've been able to not completely take them off, but decrease the dosage or the frequency.  If they were on, say, twice a day, they got back by with maybe once a day.  And once we control the inflammatory markers and if the inflammation again, the other component of their metabolism have changed and for the better 

Linda Elsegood:  A few people out there listening and saying, Wow, seven milligrams of LDN?  Because a lot of patients only go up to 4.5.  There are doctors out there who will prescribe it as high as 12. Could you explain to us how you titrate a patient up to seven milligrams?

Lester Lee:  I usually start at -- depending on the patient and diagnosis -- between one, one-and-a-half milligrams, let's say at bedtime.  I'll have them on that dosage.  And if there's no ill, adverse response or reactions, I bumped them to three, probably within the second or even fourth week.  If there are fine, let's say, at three, control of pain, quality of sleep, insomnia resolves, they feel subjectively, they're getting better, I'll just leave them at three milligrams.

I don't tend to have a number of patients on 4.5 for my practice.  It seems like three is a magic number.  At 4.5, there are a fair number of people who may have some very vivid dreams, if not nightmares, if you want to call them that, and quality of sleep sometimes, of course, is going to be disrupted.

In those individuals who said, You know what, I do get a better response at four-and-a-half, but it's hard for me to sleep because I have these odd dreams.

The dosage, let's say, why don't we do this?  Let's go ahead and have one-half milligrams in the morning, three milligrams at bedtime.

And I never -- because I don't have a tremendous amount of patients with those like that, but they seem to resolve that adverse.  A part of the problem with, let's say, vivid dreams or accentuation of insomnia or even nausea.  I believe I have added maybe just one or two patients over the last five years said, You know what, four-and-a-half milligrams, I get a little nauseated.  So if I split the dosage up, it seems to be a little more receptive and agreeable to the patient.

I haven't reviewed a ton of the literature in regards to, is a higher dosage -- let's say, split the dosage, better response and all at once, at bedtime, or even daytime.

But by understanding, looking, reviewing the literature from many years ago, bedtime seems the most common sequence to take the medication.  So, of course, I follow that, too.

But during the years that transpired, a number of patients said, You know, I did pretty well on that dosage.  Instead of taking five milligrams -- excuse me, three milligrams at bedtime, I took one-and-a-half twice a day, and I think I slept better.

And I still had a good response.

I'm not sure how many numbers of the other listeners have had that kind of experience either.

Linda Elsegood:  Yeah, some people do do that.  There are many now that prefer to take it in the morning, and they get just as good benefits, rather than taking it at night.

But the question I'm always being asked is:  How do I know if the dose is right for me, and how do I know how high I can go up to?  Would you like to have a go at answering that?

Lester Lee:  Yes.  The question comes up many times when we're starting a patient.  Well, one, how do I know when I need a higher dosage, and two, well, how long should I stay on it?  So again, the titration, again, my usual is about that one-and-a-half milligram, a magic number.

And once I get to about 4.5, but if I don't see much of a response after a couple of months and they'd been on that, let's say 4.5, which seems to be an average top number for most practitioners that I've spoken to.  We don't seem to go higher.  But in some cases where they may be on a biologic at the same time simultaneously, let's say at 4.5, I said, why don't we do this?

Well, let's go ahead and take another one-and-a-half in the morning and take your 4.5 for the next two to three weeks, four weeks, just to see if you think you feel subjective, you have a response.

And two, if you're going to be seeing your rheumatologist, your autoimmune doctor, if it could be in drawing blood, send me a copy.  Let's look at the inflammatory markers.  Let's see how they look compared to six months ago or three months ago.

So there isn't an exact answer.  Let's say that I have four patients that, how high can it go?  I don't think I've ever gone higher than seven.  I'm aware of that.

There are some other practitioners who've done 10, 12.  Again, I don't have that experience in those higher digits, especially in double digits.  Not opposed to it.

My other thought is if I were to -- and, let's say, in a degenerative, an MS, Lou Gehrig's-type patient, and, let's say, we're already at four-and-a-half, well, I think I may do a split dosage.  Let's try.  I don't think there's going to be any adverse reaction, other than maybe some nightmares that you might have.

But let's go ahead and try a four-and-a-half morning, four-and-a-half at night.  And you let me know if, one, if you can't tolerate it for whatever reason, and after a month, let's say if you feel there's any change -- of course, it may take three, four, or five months before they notice any kind of response, depending on the severity of their autoimmune disorder, whether it be severe Rheumatoid, Lupus, MS. 

I've had a great patient who responded.  I believe he was a seven-milligram dose.  The split-dose was a polyarteritis nodosa.

And actually, another patient, currently, I'm trying at six milligrams, polymyositis.  And he's had this diagnosis for four years now and has multiple rounds of biologic injections.  And they're starting to, as he said, they're wearing off.

They're not helping me.  I'll have side effects.

So three months ago, I started him at one-and-a-half.  I escalated his dosage to four-and-a-half very rapidly over about maybe six to eight weeks.  And currently, he's now, as of last week, six milligrams.  So I'll wait for a response on how he's doing.

He's due for another round of a different biologic with his rheumatologist and urologist.  But I say, Well, let's see if this works if it really does help you.

So I'm waiting for that to come, come October, to see what kind of response that we have with the new dosage. 

Linda Elsegood:  And people always ask as well, how long will I know if LDN is working for me?  What sort of timeframe do you give your patients?

Lester Lee:  I usually tell them, Well, you may notice something very rapidly, like aches and pains and insomnia within the first couple of weeks.  It depends on the dosage.  I normally tell them, You know, what, give it a trial.  At least three months.  It may take you four, but give it at least three, depending on the diagnosis, the number of years they've had that diagnosis, and the severity of the diagnosis.

I also noticed that those individuals who have short remission periods and their flares are more frequent.  And not just frequent, but intense.  These individuals up to six months before they had a response on the LDN.

Now, is it coincidental that they may have been going into remission anyway six months later, or was it the LDN?

I'll let them know that I -- that part, I can't answer.  But either way, you're mostly symptom-free.

So is it the LDN continuum?  Assuming there's no ill reaction to, let's say, the 4.5, six milligram, seven milligram.

Linda Elsegood:  So what age ranges are your patients?


Lester Lee:  Let's see.  The youngest, I believe, is probably about 23.  And she is a Hashimoto's patient.  And the more senior patient I have would probably be about 80, 82.  And that's an MS patient.

Linda Elsegood:  And in your patients of advancing years, should we say, have you come across, dementia or any memory loss problems, or Parkinson's? 

Lester Lee:  You mean treating with LDN, or Parkinson's?

I would say one, and that was a year ago.  And have them up to 4.5 over about maybe six to eight-month period.  I would say that his Parkinson's, and he feels he's not progressing, and his tremor and cognition, he feels at least subjectively.  And with his neurologist is better after about eight months.

But again, it's not a significant change, but it's a positive one, and he feels he's not progressing.

Especially if a concern, not just the motor, but the cognition is major for anybody that, if I completely lose my mind, then it's not worth living at all.

So his thought is, regardless of this helping, which it should, the motor function, but if I can retard the process, not necessarily reverse it, but retard it and keep his faculties, his cognitions intact, that would be his goal.

But is there a beyond it for every set of -- if that's how we pick up like after a month.

Linda Elsegood:  Oh, good.  But it's the same, isn't it, with any progressive disease?  If all it does is hold the progression, you know, you're winning, it's working.

I've found over the years there are many people who will say even like 18 months after being on LDN, that it hasn't actually helped with symptom relief.  It's only helped to stop the progression.  Which they are very happy with.

But we did a survey a long time ago now, but it was in between 15 and 18 months, and I have no idea why after having taken it so long that they started to get symptom relief after such a long period of time, where you would think if they were going to get symptom relief, they would have received it a lot sooner.

Lester Lee:  Yeah, correct.  And the patients who did receive any feeling of relief after six to eight months, they tend to stop on their own and follow up, let's say, on the whole, I don't see my patients but every three to six months.  Especially in the hormone patients, I only see them twice a year.

Once they're dialled in and optimized it's not like I have a tremendous autoimmune, Parkinson's type practice.  If they present, actually, if how they're presenting is they are coming in, they may already have diagnosed an autoimmune elsewhere.  May have been on -- treated elsewhere for a number of years, but the hormone component is why they're presenting.

If they do, I'll discuss the interview.  You ever heard of LDN?  Google it.  It's not the high dose stuff we use for opiate overdose.  So Google it.  Here's some information, some literature, here's a site.  If you think it's appropriate, I'll get you a script.  Try it out for the next two months.  It's not that expensive.  It's like maybe a dollar, a dollar 15 a capsule.

Blue Coast Pharmacy, again, here in Huntington Beach, California.  They're very reasonably priced.  They're consistent on their compounding.  They may go anywhere in the United States.

So a fair number of them will say, Yeah, you know what, why not?

But again, creatures of habit, wanting immediate gratification after, say, six months, eight months, is a -- well, I don't notice anything.  I said, Well, that part I can't answer when you will get a response when you feel -- whether it be subjectively or objectively.

Now, a number of times when we place a patient on, and I'm getting a fresh set of labs, let's say, they've been on six months, I don't feel much difference.  Maybe.

I'm not sure we obtained lab markers, inflammatory markers.  Guess what?  This is how you were a year ago.  They were really high.  They've come down by 30, 40, 50%.  So what does that mean?

Well, it means you're supposed -- you're less inflamed.  So theoretically, cause and effect relationship, you should be feeling better.  He said, Okay.

So interestingly, that placebo effect is a strong motivator and a strong healer.  If you're looking better, I should feel better.  And there are a number of patients that, Well, I guess I do feel better.  All right?  If it's working, it's working.  But if we're showing them objective evidence that something has changed for the better.

I've had a few patients say, Well, you know what?  Yeah, you're right, I think I am feeling better.  I just -- I was under more stress.  So maybe it was the stress, or maybe it was the loss of a job, or maybe it was this, you know, the change in a lifestyle, a change in marital status, a change in financial status, moving to a different state or a country.

Perhaps that stressor alone induced a flare, or it was just the stress of that, and they couldn't tell the difference if they're getting better, or was it just that the change in the stressor, whether it be psycho, emotional, physical.

Linda Elsegood:  Have you found any of your patients who thought LDN wasn't doing anything for them and stopped and then realized LDN actually was doing something and restarted?

Lester Lee:  Yes, yes, a fair number.  I said a very good question.  Again, back to -- I was commenting about objective evidence.  Your labs are getting better.  These individuals stop.  Yes.  They are also really, You know what, boy, within a couple of weeks, my pain came back, and therefore I couldn't sleep, or I felt swollen and puffy.

So, you know, I guess I was -- so a number of times, I would just tell a patient, If you can't really tell if you're getting better, go ahead and stop it for a week.  See if you feel any different.

And a fair number of patients have said, Yeah, you know what, I'm not sure if it's in my mind, but I guess I was a lot better, so I'm going to go back on it.

I said, Okay, that's a very good observation, and a very good question -- observation, because how do we know it's helping?  Sometimes takes off it.

Linda Elsegood:  Exactly.  But I think it's good in your practice that you are not only looking for root causes, but to try and prevent conditions happening in the first place, which is thought to be a really good idea.

And how soon can a patient get to see you?  Do you have a waiting list?

Lester Lee:  Actually, I do not.  I have myself, two other full-time practitioners.  So we can normally accommodate you in less than a week.  And, in fact, most cases within 48 hours.  We take our time.  We spend anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour with a patient on initial consultations because a fair number may have a very complicated history.

And especially if our concern is your flare, your autoimmune precipitated, initiated by toxic exposure, heavy metal exposure, chemical, no chemical.

Oh, just had a lady last two weeks ago.  Her silicone breast implants -- two years ago, she was perfectly fine.  Received the silicone implants and was diagnosed autoimmune.

And she just recently, three weeks ago, had them removed and the surgeon said that, Gee, you're really inflamed, your tissues are inflamed.

We do urine testing for plastics, benzenes, a panel of chemical, non-chemical exposure.  And she was positive for eight items and chemicals having to do with plastics.

So her diagnosis, her autoimmune was triggered by chemical exposure, from all things, silicone implants.

Linda Elsegood:  No, it's funny you should say that.  In the last year, I've had must be three people who've told me the similar thing, that they will absolutely find it or they had breast implants, and that triggered an autoimmune condition.

Lester Lee:  Right?

Linda Elsegood:  Do we always know what it is we're putting in our bodies?  No. No, we don't.

Lester Lee:  And how do we know that we're going to be reactive?  Yes.  It's like the foods, the healthy foods we eat, whether it be kale, cruciferous vegetables, ginger, healthy fish and salmon.

And when Dr Sigler, I believe she spoke with you on your show a few months back.  They eat very healthily.  They only eat egg yolks.  He can eat egg white because it's healthy.  It's the gold standard for protein.

We do a food hypersensitivity panel on them.  50, 60 items.  50, 60 things come up, and highly reactive columns.  And, you know, I eat every one of those, and they're all healthy.

From kale to broccoli, to sauerkraut to bananas.  And guess what?  Eliminate all 50 of these items in your diet.  See how you feel the next two weeks.  Amazingly again, cognition, better skin quality.  It's a key.  Lights turn on again.  They feel so much better.

Again, can these be triggers just from food?  Not gluten, not Celiac, but, say, just certain foods.  I am creating a reaction, inflammation trigger autoimmune component.

So we're looking at the root causes, again, of finding where is the trigger coming from?  The trigger for weight gain, because you're chronic, inflamed, you're chronically inflamed, it's hard to lose weight if you're estrogen dominant.  And it's hard to lose weight.

So we put them on my end.  All three would put them on to lower the estrogen.  And they feel better.  They lose weight more readily.  Their breasts aren't swollen.  They're not soppy.  They're not retaining as much water.  The cycles aren't as heavy.  Their neurosis isn't bad.

So again, we're looking not just hormone replacement therapy. But if I come across, and my doctors come across, there are other components of why you're inflamed that can relate to your autoimmune, your MTFHR, DNA mutation gene is positive, two copies, things like that.

We bring into the picture.  And the whole global picture, again, is, you're inflamed.  Let's find out the reason why.  And you have an autoimmune.  It's genetics.  But you're the only person that has it in your family.  So let's see if there was some kind of a trigger that caused it.

So that's how my practice works.  They didn't come here because of autoimmune.  We may discover autoimmune.  We may be hoping to find a resolution, a mitigating factor that would cause the autoimmune.

And then LDN is one of the components that we may work with, helping with the symptoms of the autoimmune.

Linda Elsegood:  Well, we've now run out of time.

It was very interesting talking to you.  You've got so much to say.

Lester Lee:  Interesting for running on going to be half an hour.  They didn't mean to squeeze in that much information, short period of time.

Linda Elsegood:  Well, we'll have to have you back another time.  And thank you for having been our guest today.

Lester Lee:  Thank you very much.

Linda Elsegood:  This show is sponsored by Mark Drugs, who specialize in the custom compounding of medications, assuring that the client gets the proper prescriptions for their unique needs and conditions.  They work with practitioners, integrating knowledge and treatment of experts to create comprehensive health plans.

Visit MarkDrugs.com or call Roselle (630)529-3400, Deerfield (847)419-9898.

Any questions or comments you may have, please email us at Contact@ldnresearchtrust.org. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Pharmacist Kim Hansen, LDN Radio Show 30 Oct 2019 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: Today, my guest is pharmacist Kim Hansen. She's from the Town and Country Compounding Pharmacy in New Jersey. Thank you for joining us today, Kim. 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Oh, it's my pleasure. Thank you for having me. 

Linda Elsegood: So when did you first decide you wanted to become a pharmacist? Was it something you'd always wanted to do?

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Absolutely.  I was working in a small independent pharmacy, a traditional retail pharmacy when I was in high school. And on occasion the pharmacist there would say, Hey, Kim, go mix these two creams. Or Hey Kim, go mix these two liquids. I was hooked. I knew that's exactly what I wanted to do. And from that point on I headed for pharmacy school and that was my path. I knew it immediately. That's what I wanted to do.  

Linda Elsegood: So where did you study?

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Rutgers college of pharmacy in New Jersey. 

Linda Elsegood: So you haven't moved far? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: I've travelled far, but I haven't moved far. 

Linda Elsegood: So once you started compounding,  what were the main medications you were doing at that time?

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Back in the day, it was usually combining a couple of creams together. That was before we had a lot of the manufactured products that we have now. A lot of times compounds start off that way, then they end up being manufactured items later. I used to have to make a topical minoxidil solution. I used to have to make up progesterone capsules way back in the day. Suppositories for progesterone. This was 20 some years ago. So it was before I knew of LDN.  I was doing compounding before that. Mostly progesterone and topical dermatological items that were not commercially available.

Linda Elsegood: How did you hear about LDN?

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: I think it was at a compounding seminar is the first time I'd ever heard of it. It was being discussed for autoimmune issues. I started seeing prescriptions for it about seven or eight years ago. Usually, it was just capsules, usually, it was the three different dose levels that we know differently now. It started gaining traction more for me within the last three years. But I did see it back seven or eight years ago.

Linda Elsegood: And what forms do you compound LDN into?

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Right now we do capsules and oral suspensions. Most often it's the capsules that patients are happy with. We also do a cream for patients with autism, and occasionally it's added to pain gels as well.

Linda Elsegood: What is the filler of choice for people?

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Generally speaking, patients are happy with acidophilus. I do have patients that don't want that. And then we usually use micro crystal and cellulose, but if they have a specific filler question or need, we're happy to accommodate that.

Linda Elsegood: And what strengths do you do now in the capsules? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: I think our lowest is a hundred microgram capsule because that patient prefers that to be in a capsule form versus the liquid form, anywhere up to 10 milligrams and anything in between. 

Linda Elsegood: And the patient population, what would you say the top conditions that LDN is treated for from your pharmacy? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Hashimoto's, pain and depression. 

Linda Elsegood: So talk us through those three, Kim, the experience that you've seen from those patients. 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: I'll start with Hashimoto's. We do notice patients are getting to a dose that is appropriate for them and are feeling better. They also require less thyroid hormone.

If someone is on thyroid hormone and start LDN, that should probably be monitored more closely than before you started the LDN, because you'll find that as the inflammation reduces, the thyroid level changes and you may need to change your dose. Usually, it's a reduction in the thyroid dose when it comes to the pain medication using it for that.

I have patients who have had their lives changed. They were in a tremendous amount of pain before, and they were put on other pain pills. Any medications usually were just adding to their pill burden, but not really giving them relief or quality of life that they were looking for. I have patients who weren't able to do any of their activities of daily life and now are doing things that they haven't done in 20 years. To me, that makes things tremendously rewarding to know we can be a part of that success story.  I should also mention when discussing pain with patients, I have patients who have become tolerant to opioids. So we also find that LDN is a way to help reduce the opioid burden and help people get off of those and still maintain their pain relief. I view those two things together like pain and sometimes patients are looking to get off the opioids for relief of their pain. So it actually does both. 

The other I  touched on was depression. I have patients who are using an increasing schedule of LDN and also weaning off usually their SSRI or antidepressant drug. And they're finding if they wean very slowly off the antidepressant and titrate upwards very slowly with the LDN, they're able to get off of the antidepressant and still maintain a non-depressed state. They're happy to be off the medication and be able to use LDN, which we know works in a different way and usually has a better overall effect than the actual medication worked for them. 

Linda Elsegood: Ultra-low-dose naltrexone helps combat the opioid crisis. Could you talk us through how, when people come to your pharmacy, whether it's been addicted to prescription drugs for many years, how LDN plays a part in getting them off the opioids, but still controlling the pain? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: I won't get into a specific schedule because it is so dependent on each patient. I will say that we usually start patients on the microdose or the low dose, ultra-low-dose naltrexone, usually in a suspension form, and they'll be on whatever their dose is usually for about a month. And then after they're stabilized with that, the pain management expert will slowly increase the dose of their ultra-low-dose naltrexone and also decrease their opioid dose usually by about 10%. Again I don't want to give schedules and hard limits because every patient is so different in their ability to reduce. It's very varied as far as that goes, but I have many patients who have been on rather strong doses of opioids that have been on that for years, have been able to slowly titrate up on the naltrexone and slowly wean down on the opioid and have had success and be pain-free and opioid-free. That's huge to have that happen. We had one hospice nurse  (certainly hospice nurses are very well versed in pain and pain origins and pain protocols) who herself had her own pain issue. We walked her through this process of slowly starting the ultra-low-dose naltrexone and scaling that up over time and reducing the dose of the opioid over time. Now she’s opioid-free and as pain-free. And it definitely helped her increase her quality of life and also to be able to do the things that she couldn't do before.

So that's a huge story. I mean, someone who is on opioids, to be opioid-free is huge. 

Linda Elsegood: Definitely. For people listening out there who are in a lot of pain, because I'm told nearly daily that there is somebody who is in terrible pain, but they were already on very high doses of an opioid that doesn't seem to be working, you know?  Of course, the problem with opioids is your body gets used to them, and you have to keep increasing the dose to get the effects you were having. So anybody who has chronic pain for whatever reason, or fibromyalgia or having an autoimmune disease that has a pain component to it, how would they go about.

finding a doctor who would prescribe LDN and one that would understand about the ultra-low dose, who would be able to help them transition from the opioids to the ultra-low dose?

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Two awesome ways to find that out. One is LDN research trust. There are lists of physicians and practitioners on there that are knowledgeable in what we're talking about here. You can also ask your local compounding pharmacist because we are a treasure trove to know who is actually prescribing it in order to be able to send patients.

It works both ways. The prescriber sends the order to us as they know that we'll do a quality compounded product. I can then refer patients back to other practitioners because I know that they're knowledgeable in this and then they've attended our seminars and that we can work together with them in order to get the best outcome for the patients. So it works both ways.  

Linda Elsegood: I was quite surprised when Dr Sam was telling me how quick the process is because I thought it would be a long, slow process. But he was talking just a few weeks, which was, wow. People that had been on opioids for many years, to, find relief like that, it just amazes me that something.so small and so simple seems like tickling the pain with a feather in those ultra-low doses rather than using a really big mallet, which is the opioids, for it to work. It just is mind-blowing, isn't it? And of course, the price, LDN is not expensive, and many people have to pay for it themselves. And it's not a price out of the reach of most people. We still have people who do not have money, they're sick, they're not able to work. And if it's a choice between food or LDN, that's a problem. But we're looking at around $30 a month, depending on where you have it compounded. It's an affordable drug, isn't it? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Absolutely. We try to maintain that because we do understand that patients are in pain and you don't want them to have to choose between therapy and their food or their bills or whatever that is. We want patients to get the relief that they need.

We've kept what we're doing affordable so that we can make sure that it's available to as many patients as possible. Usually, you'll find whatever pharmacy you use, if you're going to be starting a titration and working your way upwards, usually that pharmacy will put together a kit.

So you've got maybe two different doses of a capsule in there so that you can gradually increase to the dose that you are working towards. And then once you arrive at the dose that's working for you, then that pharmacy can make that dose into one pill so that it becomes more economical if that makes sense.

Linda Elsegood: Yeah. I had a lady email me this morning, I think she had Sjogren's syndrome, and she was doing really well. She'd worked up to three milligrams. It did really well. She's now on 4.5 and she's not sleeping,  not feeling as well. And I was trying to explain that with LDN it's not, the higher the dose, the better the benefit. It's what suits you best. And if at three milligrams, she felt really good, why would she need to go to 4.5? It's not working. It's making her feel ill, so she should go back to where she was in a good place. There is so much misinformation out there that people seem to think that this magic 4.5 is the goal that everybody should be on. Have you noticed that with your patients? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Absolutely. I've had patients tell me the same story that you're describing here. Everybody has in their mind that more is better and that the goal is to get to a certain number because that's where the best results are.I am always cautious about making sure I explain to patients, hey, we're dispensing a kit to you. This initial kit is usually good for 49 days or seven weeks, but if at some point halfway through this kit, let one of us know that you're experiencing relief or you're not experiencing anything at all. If you are at a dose where it seems to be optimized, I don't want you to have to continue to go up because the goal isn't to make it more, the goal is to get relief, and if you're getting relief at a lower dose, then stay there because it's very easy to overshoot that and you'll lose the benefit. So, in this case, absolutely more is not better.

Linda Elsegood: Do you have any stories of people who are on a very low dose that have stuck to that's the right dose for them? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Yes, a patient with diabetic neuropathy who was using the kit and they had gotten to a higher dose, and they weren't feeling so good on that. He backed off the dose he had gotten to, I think it was three milligrams. He went up to the next step, said I don't feel as good as I did on the dose before that. Then we know where you should be. And we had him go back to the dose he had come from,  he's much happier there, and he's able to function.

Whereas he was in pain and uncomfortable before. 

Linda Elsegood: What I was getting at there was, I know quite a few people that are on 1.5 or two, which I mean is low for low dose even, isn't it? People tend to think anything under three is no good, but even that is too high for some people. Not everybody gets there. As you were saying with the man with his diabetic neuropathy, you don't have to panic. Or thinking that you know you're not taking the right dose. I know some people think that it's not a therapeutic dose if it's under three, but that is a myth, isn't it? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: I would agree with that. Every patient is different and how they respond to it. So even if you have identical twins. A member of your trust that lectured about this, their one set of neighbours. They completely matched as people go, and the same age, same condition, same everything else. If you go down the line and, person A got results more quickly than person B. So person B was discouraged thinking that they weren't going to find the same relief that person A got.  Having to start over with patient B, and go a little bit more slowly, titration was the key for her. So whereas a lot of times you'll see dosage regimens that, every week we're going to increase by whatever the increment is. Sometimes patients will need to go even more slowly than that and maybe increasing every two weeks or maybe every month, whatever that takes. And again, not everyone is the same. So if you get to a dose rate, like, I didn't feel anything the whole way. Sometimes you can, wash it out, start over, and go more slowly and find results there. It's just so dependent on each patient and just because you haven't gotten the answer that you want and you've gone up to 4.5 sometimes the answer isn't going up a higher dose. Maybe it's starting over and going up at a slower pace.  

Linda Elsegood: Some people feel quite discouraged starting again, but by doing it very, very low and moving up very, very slowly the fallout rate isn't as high, and the success rate goes up. You know, 20% of people didn't have the relief they were looking for, but that 20% has reduced, hasn't it? We are getting a better success rate now, understanding there are people who do need to look at LDN differently. 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Completely agree. Back in the 80s when we were doing 1.5 and three and 4.5, that was such a rigid structure that you probably lost a lot of patients who didn't have success and or probably had side effects that they weren't pleased with. Changing our thinking with the results we have now, knowing that going more slowly and doing slower increases or lower increases is actually beneficial overall. Yes. Patients who have tried with not finding their success before; it doesn't mean you won't have success trying it in a different fashion.

Linda Elsegood: Exactly. And then there's the other school of thought where you have to take it at night. You know, it's not gonna work for you if you take it in the morning. We now know that's not true. Is that what your experience has been? 

Kim Hansen: I would say that's true.I think yes, at the beginning of the push was, Oh, you have to do it at night because your body does repair at night but you know, here's no reason why you can't do that during the day. And there are also reasons why you would want to do something twice a day and do split dosing. Some disease states and some patients do better when they're split dose.I find that is the case with using it for the antidepressant purposes, sometimes a split dose is better for that patient versus the whole dose at one time of day regardless of morning or evening. Again, individualized treatment, and you have to listen to the patient and listen to what they're saying to you so that you can work on a treatment plan together. 

Linda Elsegood: And you were saying about the topical cream for children with autism. Do you have many children with autism? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: We're in New Jersey, unfortunately, we have one of the highest percentages of autism in children. So yes, I do see it, not as often as I once did, but I do see it, and usually, they're not amenable to swallowing pills. So usually the parent is putting on cream at night when they go to sleep, and they don't even know what's being applied.

Even if they take a capsule and they put it into a smoothie or whatnot, kids are wise to that because they're probably on a whole bunch of stuff and they're eyeing up every meal that comes to them, making sure nothing's been hit, so they're pretty wise to it. You'll find that the cream is helpful in those cases and yes, it does work.

Linda Elsegood: And have you come across children with juvenile arthritis or pediatric Crohn’s who are taking LDN? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: I have heard of it, but not in my experience here. 

Linda Elsegood: And no children or adults with asthma allergies. 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen:  I had heard of it of course but no experience of that directly here.

Linda Elsegood:  It's amazing, isn't it? Initially, going back,15 and a half years when I started the trust, it was mainly people with MS. Then it went to Crohn's, then fibromyalgia, it was just exploding. But we didn't know too much at that point what it did for chronic pain that wasn't autoimmune. We knew it helped with cancers. We didn't know about all the mental health issues and of course, it's used in fertility clinics as well, and for women's health, for painful periods.  There's a name for that, PCOS, polycystic ovaries. Dr Phil Boyle uses it in his clinic to help women get pregnant. They take it during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, have really happy, contented babies, he says, and they have less chance of needing IV antibiotics for chest infections and things, which is apparently quite common in babies when they're firstborn. And he said, as a rule of thumb those babies are far more content when they come back for checkups,  than babies that haven't been exposed to LDN, which I think is quite interesting, isn't it? 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: I agree completely with that. When I have a patient that's here, and I'm showing them the list of disease states or conditions that this is helpful for. And of course, their question is always, how could one thing be good for all of these? And I love that question because that means that you're thinking, okay. And you're sceptical, and that's fine, but then when you explain that a lot of these systems are all tied together and how pain and depression are linked by the same pathways as is your immune system, as are a lot of different things, inflammation, all tied together.

When you can explain and have them understand how the different systems in your body interplay, that's when the light bulb goes off because traditionally here in the United States you go to the foot doctor for your foot problem, you go to the GI doctor for your stomach problem, you go to the neurologist for the neurology problem. And really they're not all communicating.  When you look at the thread of symptoms that a patient is dealing with it's like you're missing the overall theme of inflammation or whatever that is. And LDN is helpful for that. So, therefore, it's helpful for all of those conditions. It's not because things are tied together. That's why it's helping you. I hope that made sense.

Linda Elsegood: It does. Now there are other things you can do to help inflammation as well as taking LDN. What do you suggest patients do?

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: For inflammation? Well, it's very important. I always remind patients that their diet is everything. If you look at the glycaemic index, it's scaled anywhere between zero and a hundred and sugar is at the top as being a hundred you would like to keep your dietary choices below a 50 because they are less likely to cause an insulin spike or have a glycaemic effect on your sugar. So if you keep your food items below a 50 more often than above 50 you're reducing the fire in your system. So the whole point of taking naltrexone is to reduce the fire in your body, as explained before.  Everything is connected. You can't expect the pill to do all of the work either. Reducing inflammation that you're adding to the system is also part of it.

You can't walk around eating the standard American diet of high carb and high sugar and poor nutritional value and not have inflammation if you're going to continue to feed the inflammation fire, of course, you're asking the LDN or the naltrexone to help with your symptoms.

Sometimes just reducing a lot of the inflammation that way is helpful and it certainly helps to augment what the LDN is doing. I also find that high-quality C-- products, the full spectrum ones are also helpful at reducing inflammation. Using the LDN in combination with the C--, you get the beneficial additive effects. I have patients who have needed to use that combination, and they've gotten their quality of life back.  

Linda Elsegood: it's funny what you were saying about fruits. My mother was in the hospital, and she was a type two diabetic, but her kidneys were in a very poor state, and she had to have insulin. She had quite a bit of insulin three or four times a day. When she was in the hospital, she asked for a banana. And they bought her a banana. And she said, Oh no, I, I don't like eating bananas a little green and underripe. I like them when the skin is going brown, and it's mottled and inside is all nice and squidgy. And they said, no, you can't have one like that because it's going to affect your insulin because it's very, very high in sugar when it's that ripe. That is correct. The nurse was trying to say very nicely, but it is higher in sugar, and I think my mother was thinking, a banana is a banana. The nurse was trying to say, you can have a banana but you mustn't have it when it's overripe.  Because it's too high in sugar. 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: When I tried to talk to patients about that, of course, nobody ever wants to hear they have to make changes and give up their banana or wherever it is they're eating. Everybody likes what they eat, but when you explain it and say, Hey, these are inflammatory, what you're doing is adding to your inflammatory burden.  I'm not saying completely avoid the bananas, but if you know that you had had a banana that day cause you had to have it, maybe look at the bottom of the list to make sure that maybe we're balancing that out and making a choice that has less of a glycemic load than maybe the banana or something else. That's not to say that you should never have banana again, but maybe making choices to balance out your day versus choosing everything above 50 if you reduce the amount. Because they are both 50 and take below 50 reducing the amount of inflammation in your system, which is good for all sorts of things, Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer risk, all of these things driven by inflammation. And why would you not want to reduce those risks? 

Linda Elsegood:  It's altering the way you look at food. Instead of being a diet which people don't stick to. It has to be a lifestyle change, doesn't it?  So it becomes a habit. You know you have good habits instead of bad habits. 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: Agreed. If you call it a diet, people assume that is a restriction on their lifestyle. If it is health maintenance and it's on a different connotation or inflammation reduction. If you look at it that way, rather than, oh, I'm on a diet. Well, you know what? I'm trying to reduce the inflammation in my body. You'll find that you'll get fewer headaches if you get rid of sugar and carbs, which of course includes bread. There are healthier slices of bread that you can eat, more of the whole grains here.  I was amazed by this too. Everybody's under the misconception that, Oh well I, you know, I'll avoid the white bread cause I know that's not good for me and I'll just eat the wheat bread. It's no better. It really isn't any better. It's like a point or two different on this scale. What you need to do is either do it like a whole grain bread or switch to something that's grain-free, like Ezekiel bread, which has a low-glycemic index. If you're trying to make that effort, there are smarter choices that you can make.

So you don't feel like you're on a diet where you're restricted and being punished. There are ways to explain things.. You just have to be careful about continuing to pile inflammatory product after inflammatory product. It leads to all of the other health problems that I mentioned before.

We're all leading stressful lives, and probably you're not exercising as you should, and not resting as you should, and you're just adding more and more burden to your system to be able to detoxify. Helping your body do its best is certainly a better management tool all around.

Linda Elsegood: Well we've run out of time Kim, can you believe that's 30 minutes gone?

Pharmacist Kim Hansen:  I can't believe you wanted to listen to me. Wow. I'm so happy. 

Linda Elsegood:  Awesome. Thank you so much for having joined us. I really appreciate it. 

Pharmacist Kim Hansen: I'm so grateful to have been asked, and it's my pleasure. If you have any questions, certainly please give me a call and I'm happy to share anything I know. 

Linda Elsegood: Thank you.

At Town and Country Compounding Pharmacy in Ridgewood, New Jersey, owner, pharmacist, John and his team are passionate about low dose naltrexone. They have compounded LDN for over 15 years. And they're committed to compounding high-quality medications and serving as an educational resource for patients and practitioners alike. Visit https://tccompound.com/ or call (201) 447-2020 with any questions or comments you may have. Please email me at ontact@ldnresearchtrust.org. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.